The Cyprus News Agency (CNA) is an independent and autonomous institution operating under the Cyprus News Agency Law.
It is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors consisting mainly of journalists representing the Cyprus Journalists Union, the Cyprus Newspaper and Magazine Publishers Association, the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, the Press and Information Office and the Ministry of Interior.
In 1989, the House of Representatives approved legislation providing for the operation of the Cyprus News Agency as a semi-government organisation with full editorial independence.
As part of its mission, the agency publishes subscription-based news and photos to the media and news in three languages: Greek, Turkish, English. It also offers photographic services (daily and archive).
Furthermore, it offers three news services (24-hour news summary, overview of Cypriot Press, Bulletin of overseas communities’ activities).

CNA: P.O. Box 23947,  Nicosia, P.C.: 1687, News Department: Tel: 22556000, Fax: 22556100, Website:, email:, Tel: 22556009, Fax: 22556103, Acting Director: Giorgos Christodoulidis. 


International News Agencies

Cyprus is used by various international mass media as a regional hub for covering news stories on Cyprus and the wider region, as followed: