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25-04-2018 17:48

Τhe Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participates on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus to the second Brussels Conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Minas Hadjimichael participates on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus, at the second Brussels Conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”, which takes place today in Brussels. 

The EU and the UN co-chair the Conference with the goal of mobilizing humanitarian assistance within Syria, but also in host communities in neighbouring countries, such as Jordan and Lebanon.  It also aims to garner political support for the UN-led peace process.

During the Conference, Ambassador Hadjimichael made the following intervention:

«Today, we reaffirm once again our commitment to the Syrian people and neighbouring countries, while we stress the need to remain committed to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state.

Just over a week ago, the EU in acknowledging the dire humanitarian situation in Syria, and in particular in Eastern Ghouta, Afrin, and Idlib, reiterated the need to improve access and protection, as well as to promote humanitarian principles for the delivery of aid in Syria. It also stressed the urgent need for humanitarian organisations to be provided with safe, unhindered and immediate humanitarian access, throughout Syria, and for the existence of the necessary conditions that would allow for a safe, voluntary and dignified return of the internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes.

For this to become a reality, all parties involved in the Syrian conflict without exception must fully abide by and implement the nationwide ceasefire unanimously agreed in UNSC Resolution 2401.

The EU and its member states are in unison as regards the support given for the resilience of the Syrian people which we will continue doing so.

Today, we must also reconfirm our serious commitment to provide support to Jordan and Lebanon, as well as to Iraq and Egypt, who have demonstrated their commitment and resilience in hosting millions of Syrian refugees despite the ensuing massive financial burden and social challenges.

In recognition of the disproportionate burden for Lebanon and Jordan from the refugee crisis again at the London Conference Cyprus pledged 2,3 million euro to the two countries. This has been disbursed through the EU, as will the remaining half a million euro for 2018 and a smaller amount for 2019.

Additionally, Cyprus will contribute a total of 140.000 euro in humanitarian aid for 2018 and 2019.  Beyond maintaining the contributions for UN OCHA and UNHCR programmes in Jordan, Lebanon year-on-year, Cyprus has already significantly increased its contribution to UNRWA budget for 2018.

Mr Chairman,

There can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict and we have all been witness to the horrors and suffering that this ongoing conflict has brought on the Syrian people, including the use of chemical weapons which Cyprus condemns unreservedly.

The best protection, assistance and support we can all give to the Syrian people is through a political solution, in line with UNSCR 2254, the 2012 Geneva Communiqué  and negotiated by the Syrian parties within the UN-led Geneva process. UN Special Envoy Mr Staffan de Mistura not only needs to be commended for his tireless efforts, but also needs to be given our full support not just in word, but in deed».
