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05-02-2018 10:32

The President of the Republic receives a congratulatory message from the Prime Minister of Spain

The President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades received a congratulatory message from the Prime Minister of Spain Mr Mariano Rajoy Brey for his reelection as President of the Republic.

In his message the Prime Minister of Spain stated the following:

“I would like to express my most sincere congratulations for your reelection as President of the Republic of Cyprus. Your electoral victory confirms the confidence that the Cypriot people placed on you and represents a triumph for the European People's Party as a whole.

I am convinced that your work as head of Government will allow us to continue strengthening both our bilateral relations as well as our strategic agreement within the European Union and the other international organizations of which we are part of.

Likewise, I hope that during your new term in office, the reunification of the island will advance in accordance with the principles of the international law and the resolutions of the United Nations.

I hope to have the opportunity to congratulate you personally as soon as possible.”
