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06-02-2021 11:30

Statement to the Press by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, on the occasion of the visit to Cyprus by Dr. Anže Logar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

It is with great pleasure that I welcome to Cyprus my good friend and excellent colleague, Anže Logar. Anže and I have been eager to exchange visits, and so I am very pleased to host him today and very much look forward to visiting Ljubljana.

As Slovenia prepares to assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2021 – during these peculiar and challenging circumstances created by the pandemic, that call for European solidarity and resilience - Anže’s visit is both timely and valuable.

Slovenia and Cyprus joined the European Union together in 2004. Two like-minded countries, members of the big family of the European Union with common approaches, common values, that see eye to eye on an array of issues on the EU agenda. 

During our deliberations today, we had the opportunity to review issues across the spectrum of our bilateral relations. We noted with satisfaction that our cooperation is at a high level, with increased bilateral exchanges particularly since the signing, three years ago, of the renewed Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultations between the two Ministries. With that as our springboard, we are moving towards further enhancing our dialogue, setting it on a regular basis, so as to foster synergies and increase cooperation in areas such as tourism, education and culture, business and trade.

We of course exchanged views on current, pressing issues on our European agenda, focusing on EU-Turkey relations, migration, as well as the pandemic. We also discussed regional and international developments of common interest.

Anže informed me of Slovenia’s interest to join the MED7 framework. This is certainly an issue that will be discussed in the forum by all 7 M-S, but what I can say is that Cyprus sees the merit and value of Slovenia joining the Forum and will fully support such a development.

Dear friends,

I had today the opportunity to express Cyprus’s appreciation for Slovenia’s unwavering support in our efforts to reunite Cyprus in a bi-zonal bi-communal federation, through a comprehensive settlement in line with UN Security Council Resolutions. I briefed Anže on the current state of play in the UNSG’s efforts to resume negotiations, and reiterated our readiness to continue negotiations on the basis of the framework of the UN Secretary-General, the existing convergences and the joint declaration of February 2014, while expressing the hope that the same level of commitment will be displayed by all involved.

Anže fully understands the importance of ensuring that a comprehensive settlement must be in line with UN Security Council Resolutions, the UN Charter, EU law values and principles, and that reunited Cyprus must be a functional state, a viable Member State of the EU, and a stable, reliable actor in its region. A modern European State not tied back by anachronistic systems and structures that have no place in the 21st century.

We also agreed that as we strive for a meaningful process, it is important to impress upon everyone involved the need to refrain from illegal actions and provocations that pose the risk of derailing efforts. The EU has a special role in this regard.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Slovenia, and Anže personally, for the solidarity consistently displayed by Slovenia, not only in words, but in action, for the clear positions they have articulated on the need for the EU to act appropriately and effectively when its Member States are facing external threats and challenges and in defending member states sovereignty and sovereign rights.

Dear Anže,

In welcoming you once again, rest assured that this excellent level of cooperation will continue, enhancing it even further ahead and during Slovenia’s upcoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Cyprus will fully support the Slovenian Presidency, that I am certain will be based on transparency, openness and sensitivity to the positions and concerns of all member states.

Before turning the floor over to you, I wish to thank you once again for your visit in these particularly challenging times and I look forward to continuing our deliberations over lunch.