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06-07-2021 21:04

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the US Embassy reception on the occasion of the 245th anniversary of the Independence of the USA

It is an honour to join you on the occasion of the 245th Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America.

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and the other founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence which structured democratic governance and left a legacy that has shaped the World.

A legacy based on the ideals that everyone is equal and endowed with inherent rights, such as, amongst others, life, liberty, the consent of the governed and resistance to any form of tyranny or despotism. Ideals which, in conjunction with the bravery and courage of the founding fathers, inspired numerous movements that followed thereafter, in pursuit of freedom and independence.

The Declaration’s aforesaid ideals and values, even more relevant and necessary in today’s ever-changing world, have withstood the test of time, not only as the essential tenets of democracy, but also as a fundamental principle of international relations and of the UN doctrine; the right for the people to be able to freely dictate their fate within their nation, without external interventions.

I am extremely pleased to note that during these past few years the relations between Cyprus and the United States are constantly enhancing through tangible deliverables, such as - amongst many others - the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act, which establishes the institutional framework for energy and security cooperation between the USA and Cyprus – Greece – Israel. An act through which the US also partially lifted its arms embargo on Cyprus.

At the same time, a notable development is the investment in CYCLOPS, an excellent regional training centre which brings closer together Cyprus, the United States and other partners, aimed at providing training and expertise in crucial security fields.

The above-mentioned initiatives are already yielding concrete results and mutual benefits for both our countries, as well as for key allies for both our countries in the Eastern Mediterranean.

At the same time, special emphasis is also placed on our joint commitment and close co-operation, amongst others, in the fight against terrorism, human and drug trafficking, maritime security, and cyber security.

As you are aware, Cyprus is an active partner in a number of positive developments that have been unfolding in our broader region, including through the establishment of numerous trilateral mechanisms of cooperation, with the aim to foster regional predictability and stability.

In this respect, I would like to highlight the significance we attach on the US support on these synergies, in particular through the 3+1 platform we have established with Greece and Israel and the US participation as an observer in the EastMed Gas Forum.

I also wish to point out that these cooperation mechanisms are open to any stakeholder that has a common set of values, in respect of a rules-based code of conduct between sovereign states and in line with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

To this end, we fully share the US position that any disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean as regards energy matters should be resolved through dialogue and not by gun-boat diplomacy, as well as that Turkey should refrain from any illegal actions within our Exclusive Economic Zone, in full support to the unhindered exercise of our sovereign rights to explore and exploit our natural resources.

Sharing their vision and taking inspiration from the founding fathers of the United States, we recall once again the Declaration’s ideals of freedom and justice in our efforts to reach a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the Cyprus issue.

This effort, most prominently envisaged in ending the unacceptable status quo caused by the illegal Turkish invasion in 1974, aims to ensure the peaceful co-existence and prosperous collaboration between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to underline my deep appreciation for the continuous US support in reaching a settlement that would reunite Cyprus on the agreed basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, in line with the UN Security Council Resolutions.

A position which was reiterated by President Biden through his letter of May 28, 2021. A support of utmost importance, against the backdrop of the position of both Ankara and the Turkish Cypriot leadership for a “two-state” solution.

President Biden also expressed his serious concerns with regard to Turkey’s decision to re-open a part of Varosha, stressing that they have urged and will continue to urge a reversal of this decision and will discourage further provocative actions.

In this regard, in view of the upcoming illegal visit of the Turkish President to the occupied areas on the 20th of July and the threats he has put forward, I urge the numerous Heads of Diplomatic Missions present today to convey to your Governments the need to impress upon Mr Erdogan the need to refrain from inflaming further tensions through any new illegal actions, particularly as regards Varosha.

If Turkey proceeds with such actions – and I repeat, particularly in relation to Varosha – his will be the tombstone of not only resuming the negotiating process, but, and most importantly, to reaching a viable and functional settlement.

That is why, in a constructive manner and with a sincere political will to defuse tensions, I submitted a proposal for the adoption of bold Confidence Building Measures that could prove to be a game changer in addressing concerns of both sides.

Measures which can address in an equitable and legally robust manner all the issues related with Varosha, including its port, the airport at the occupied areas, the Additional Protocol, as well as the exploitation of hydrocarbons.

The Turkish positions expressed in Geneva regrettably did not allow the Secretary General to move forward towards the resumption of the peace process, despite our efforts to achieve a breakthrough that would permit once again substantial negotiations to take place on the agreed basis and from where they were left off in Crans Montana.

In the face of this setback, I would like to yet again reiterate in the strongest manner my commitment to immediate engage in a new creative and meaningful dialogue, in full respect of the UN parameters, provided that the necessary conditions are in place and all stakeholders involved abstain from any illegal activities.

In thanking once again Judith and Paul for hosting us tonight, I ask you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the enduring friendship and the strategic ties between the Republic of Cyprus and the United States of America.