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28-07-2021 13:11

Introductory remarks by the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the Cyprus – Greece – Jordan Summit Meeting, in Athens

Allow me to begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to the Prime Minister of Greece, my dear friend Kyriakos, for hosting our third Trilateral Summit and for the warm welcome and gracious hospitality extended to our delegation.

Today’s meeting clearly reflects the importance we attach to further expanding and deepening our synergies, to the benefit of our countries, peoples and the region as a whole.

In this regard, the decision to establish the Permanent Secretariat in Lefkosia, highlights the importance we attach in coordinating, developing and enhancing cooperation, in order to fulfill the goals of our strategic partnership.  

To this end, we look forward to re-launching sectoral meetings that were halted due to the pandemic, so as to proceed with concrete synergies as identified in the Joint Statement, in the fields of, amongst others: Culture, Trade, Investments, Tourism, Security, Energy, Education and Digital Transformation.

During today’s meeting we will also discuss pressing regional issues, such as the Middle East Process and the situation in Cyprus, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

I have no doubt that we will once again reiterate our joint commitment to work together in order to achieve our common goal of promoting peace, stability, security and prosperity in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.

As we also share the same commitment to counter the common threats of terrorism and violent extremism. In this respect, we all agree in enhancing our co-operation, including through the key platform, the Aqaba Process, that His Majesty, King Abdullah, established.

We will also discuss the EU – Jordan relationship during which, both Cyprus and Greece, will once assure that our countries will continue advocating to push forward the EU – Jordan Partnership Priorities, so as to promote common objectives and address shared challenges.

As it is expected, I will inform my counterparts on the latest developments on the Cyprus problem, particularly as regards the recent illegal announcement. An announcement that has been strongly condemned by the UN Security Council, calling for its immediate reversal, as well as by the EU and the international community.

Taking this opportunity, please allow me to express again my sincere appreciation to His Majesty for Jordan’s principled stance on our efforts to reach a viable and functional settlement, in line with the UN parameters. We always know we can count on your solidarity at critical times like these.

Similarly, dear Prime Minister, the Greek Government and the Greek people have always stood shoulder to shoulder with us. On behalf of all Cypriots, I reiterate our deep gratitude.

Once again thank you dear Kyriakos for the invitation and I look forward to the fruitful discussions to follow.