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01-08-2018 19:30

Address by the Minister of Transport, Mrs Vassiliki Anastassiadou, on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the event organized on the occasion of the Swiss National Day, yesterday

I am delighted to be here with you today to celebrate the Swiss National Day, an auspicious occasion which also provides a most appropriate opportunity to warmly welcome Ambassador Fux to Cyprus.

The 1st of August, celebrated as Swiss National Day since 1891, has as a point of reference the historic alliance concluded in 1291 by three Alpine cantons. Over the years, Switzerland was built around this alliance to become a modern and prosperous democracy, leading the world by example. 

A pillar of Switzerland’s role in the world has been facilitating the settlement of conflicts worldwide, protecting victims, reducing poverty, supporting the rule of law, promoting stable, working democracies and thus demonstrating its active contribution to the peaceful coexistence of peoples of all nations.

Relations between Cyprus and Switzerland are deep rooted and long-lasting. Already in 1937, Switzerland opened a Consular agency in Cyprus, and it recognized the Republic on the day of its establishment.  Our bilateral relations are based on common democratic values and principles that both countries cherish and adhere to. Based on these shared values, our two countries have established and developed a fruitful cooperation in various domains. Cyprus’s accession to the EU, coupled with Switzerland’s strong ties to the Union, have contributed further to the deepening of our ties.

In fact, Switzerland has supported several projects in Cyprus in the social, environmental and other fields and we look forward to our cooperation on the preservation of our cultural heritage.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the number of Swiss visitors to Cyprus, not only tourists, but also artists, researchers and business people, increases at a constant pace, while more and more Cypriots visit Switzerland for tourism, business and education.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Switzerland’s dedication to peace and the rule of law, its deep commitment to the promotion and protection of humanitarianism, peace building and human rights are greatly respected.  Allow me in this regard, to express Cyprus’s sincere appreciation to Switzerland’s support to the UN’s peacekeeping and peace building operations in Cyprus, as well as to the work of the Committee on Missing Persons.

I also take this opportunity to thank once again the Swiss Government for hosting the Cyprus talks in Geneva, Mont Pelerin and most recently in Crans Montana and reiterate our appreciation for Switzerland’s support to our efforts for comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem that will reunify the country and its people, in line with international law, including UN Security Council Resolutions, and EU law, values and principles.

Let me reiterate, that we remain strongly committed to the resumption of negotiations, in the framework of the UN Secretary General’s Good Offices mission, in order to reach a just, functional and viable comprehensive settlement, fully in line with international and EU law, which safeguards reunited Cyprus’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, and which creates genuine prospects for peaceful co-existence and prosperity for all its citizens.

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this auspicious celebration, let me express my heartfelt congratulations to the Swiss people and raise my glass to the prosperity of Switzerland and to the further strengthening of Cypriot – Swiss ties.
