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12-04-2023 09:35

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Bulgaria

The President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, received the credentials of the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Cyprus, Mr Nedialtcho Dimitrov Dantchev, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday, 11 April 2023.

Presenting his credentials, Mr Dantchev, speaking in English, said:

"Your Excellency/ Mr President,

Allow me to present the Letters of Credence by which H.E. the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr Rumen Radev, has appointed me to be the next Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the Letters of Recall of my predecessor.

I have the pleasant task to extend the most cordial greetings and best wishes of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr Rumen Radev, whom you have met during your visit to my country in 2020, the Prime minister, Mr Galab Donev, and the Bulgarian Government and people to you, to the members of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and to the people of Cyprus for progress, prosperity and all success.

The bilateral relations between our countries are excellent, we have no unsolved issues and our political dialogue is active and fruitful. I believe that in the very near future we will have the opportunity to carry out new meetings on high level with the aim of further strengthening and deepening our co-operation. I am confident that the direct contacts between Bulgarian and Cypriot government offices can bring to concrete positive results.

A solid basis for our interaction is the membership of both countries in the European Union.

Bulgaria is grateful for the solidarity of the Republic of Cyprus with the Bulgarian priorities in the frames of the European policies – our joining the Schengen area and Eurozone, the cohesion and migration policy. We have not forgotten that the Republic of Cyprus was among the first countries to ratify the Agreement for our accession to the European Union and to open its labor market for Bulgarian workers.

As a principle, when we speak of economic relations and trade turnover we always note that there is still an unused potential. So is the case with our two countries, despite that the commercial exchange marks significant growth during the last years and remains stable after the Covid pandemia. I believe that with joint efforts we will be able to find these additional resources which will accelerate our economic co-operation and will maximize potential opportunities in the areas of trade, economy, tourism and transport.

An important aspect, not only of the economic, but also of the political development is the energy self-sufficiency – an issue that I truly hope that the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Cyprus will be able to solve successfully. I consider that here we have a broad basis for exchange of views and to discuss possible liaison.

The Republic of Bulgaria shares the suffering of your island – its partition and the negative consequences as a result of this. We hope for a new start of negotiations and believe that this is the true path towards a united Cyprus within the European Union. The Bulgarian standing on the Cyprus issue stays integral and consistent. We expect the achievement of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem within the UN framework, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and in line with the principles on which the European Union is founded. We fully support your initiative of active involvement of the EU in this process.

In today’s global world the human contacts are easily achieved, but we must work for enhancing their quality. This is why I consider that there is still potential between our two countries to develop the cultural ties and the educational co-operation, especially the contacts between Universities in the fields of scientific research and protection of cultural heritage. We are happy to note that thousands of Cypriot nationals have graduated from Bulgarian Universities and that this process still continues. The presence of a large number of Bulgarian nationals in the Republic of Cyprus, who are contributing to the economic development of your country, is a kind of cultural bridge which continues the longstanding historic ties and cultural proximity between the Bulgarian and Cypriot peoples. Allow me to add one more significant factor – our common Orthodox Christian faith.

Your Excellency/ Mr President,

Let me assure you that I will not spare any efforts in the process of deepening the interaction of our countries in bilateral, European and global domains.

The clue to everything is man, the human being. Aspiring as well to reinforce the relations between our two countries on a people-to-people oriented basis, encouraging cultural interaction and exchange, I extend the cordial wish that long-standing friendly cooperation between Bulgaria and Cyprus will continue for the benefit of our countries.

Please, accept your Excellency/Mr President my highest consideration".

Receiving the credentials, the President said:


It is with great pleasure that I receive today your Letters of Credence, appointing you as the new Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Cyprus. Please accept my sincere congratulations for your appointment and my best wishes for every success in the exercise of your important duties.


Cyprus and Bulgaria celebrate this year the 63rd anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. The relationship between our two countries has proven resilient over the years, and has steadily grown to exceptional levels of trust, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, both at the level of Government and of our two societies.

Our shared European Union identity has brought our countries even closer, in an effort to achieve our common goals and address our common challenges.

The sizeable and vibrant Bulgarian community in Cyprus constitutes an additional link between our two countries, which undoubtedly contributes to the enrichment of our society.

Allow me to assure you on this occasion of our sincere will and desire to further advance and deepen our cooperation both at a bilateral level and within the European Union and other international fora, enabling us to face the multiple challenges of the modern era.


We would like to express our deep appreciation for Bulgaria’s principled position on the Cyprus problem, and your country’s longstanding and valuable support to our efforts to end the Turkish occupation and reunify our island through a viable and comprehensive settlement, in line with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and EU law, values and principles.

The status quo with regards to the Cyprus problem is not a viable option, neither for Cyprus and all Cypriots, nor for any actor with an interest in the security and stability in our region.

On my part, I want to reaffirm my commitment to the effort for a peaceful solution of the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis of bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as prescribed by relevant UN resolutions and to the convergences reached until the closure of the Conference on Cyprus in Crans Montana.

The pressing question at hand is how to break the current stalemate to create the conditions necessary for the resumption of negotiations aiming for a comprehensive solution. In this context, I believe that it is essential to identify incentives that will create win – win solutions for all involved. With this in mind, I am seeking a more active role on behalf of the European Union, as the only international actor that has the toolbox that can provide tangible incentives for all parties, through a gradual, mutually beneficial (win-win) process. This initiative does not question nor substitute the leading role of the UN and the good offices mission of the UN Secretary-General. It is intended to support the UN in their role and facilitate their efforts.

In the meantime, we should continue to navigate through the current very delicate phase bearing in mind the imperative need to ensure a conducive climate and the avoidance of tensions, violations and new fait accomplis.

Turkey’s provocative rhetoric and actions in and around Cyprus do not contribute to the creation of a conducive climate, which is necessary for the resumption of the negotiating process. This prospect is further undermined by Turkey’s declared policy for a “two state” solution and its quest to upgrade its illegal secessionist entity in the occupied part of Cyprus at the international stage in sharp contravention of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions, in particular 541 and 550. 

Regarding the issue of Varosha, Turkey is yet to reverse its illegal actions and violations and to respect and implement UN Secutiy Council Resolutions, including its latest resolution 2587 (2021) and relevant Presidential Statements (23 July 2021, 09 October 2020), in which the Security Council “reaffirmed the status of Varosha as set out in relevant resolutions, including Resolutions 550 (1984) and 789 (1992).


In closing, I would kindly request that you convey to His Excellency President Rumen Radev, and to His Excellency Prime Minister Galab Donev, as well as to the friendly people of the Republic of Bulgaria my warmest greetings and a message of friendship and solidarity.

I sincerely wish you every success in your important duties and assure you that my government, and I personally, will provide you with every possible assistance so that your tenure will be highly constructive and fruitful".