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10-05-2023 14:14

Road Freight Transport: 4rth Quarter 2022

Freight transport in Cyprus +23,8% and from and to Cyprus +21,6%

The Statistical Service announces the release of the latest figures for road freight transport for the fourth quarter of 2022.

During the period October-December 2022, the total weight of goods transported by road in Cyprus increased by 23,8% compared to the corresponding period of 2021, while the weight of freight transported from and to Cyprus also increased by 21,6%.

During the period January-December 2022, the total weight of goods transported by road in Cyprus increased by 39,3% compared to the corresponding period of 2021, while the weight of freight transported from and to Cyprus also increased by 28,5%.


Table 1

Road Freight Transport (thousand tonnes) 2021 2022 Percentage Change (%)
Oct-Dec   Jan-Dec   Oct-Dec   Jan-Dec 2022/2021
Oct-Dec Jan-Dec
In Cyprus 7.338,2 27.642,9 9.086,8 38.519,2 23,8 39,3
From and to Cyprus 7,0 25,5 8,6 32,8 21,6 28,5


Table 2

Road Freight Transport (million tonnekilometres) 2021 2022 Percentage Change (%)
Oct-Dec   Jan-Dec   Oct-Dec   Jan-Dec 2022/2021
Oct-Dec Jan-Dec
In Cyprus 171,2 703,2 236,9 923,3 38,4 31,3
From and to Cyprus 5,9 28,1 7,5 25,6 27,4 -8,8



Methodological information

Scope and Coverage

The aim of the Carriage of Goods by Road Survey is the collection of statistical data concerning the carriage of goods by road in Cyprus or from and to Cyprus, by means of road transport vehicles, which are registered in the Department of Road Transport.

For the national carriage of goods, a sample is selected from the vehicle’s register. Only vehicles whose load capacity is more than 3 tonnes are sampled. The sample consists of 9 categories (strata) according to the load capacity of the vehicle and the type of transport (hire or reward and own account) and covers all 52 weeks of the year.

The international carriage of goods covers all movements of freight (inbound and outbound journeys) around the year.

The data compiled are transmitted to Eurostat according to the Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road.

Data Collection

The unit of enumeration is the goods road transport vehicle. The data collected for each vehicle relates to their characteristics, the route and the goods carried.

For the national carriage of goods, data is collected through telephone interviews around the year by enumerators, while for the international carriage of goods questionnaires are filled in by the vehicle drivers at Limassol Port and then collected by officers of the Customs and Excise Department.


A tonne-kilometre (tkm) is a unit of measure of freight transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by a given transport mode over a distance of one kilometre.


For more information:

CYSTAT Portal, subtheme Services

CYSTAT-DB (Online Database)

Predefined Tables (Excel)

The Predefined Tables, available in Excel format, include data up to the fourth quarter of 2022. Data from the first quarter of 2023 onwards will be available only in the CYSTAT-DB Online Database.


Andrie Milidoni: Tel.: 22602240, E-mail: