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13-07-2023 12:19

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the ceremony for receiving the credentials of the new Ambassador of Iran, Mr Ali Reza Salarian

Your Excellency,

It is with distinct pleasure and sincere feelings of friendship, that I receive today your Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Cyprus.

Kindly accept my congratulations for your appointment and my sincere wishes for every success in your important work. I would like to assure you that my government will provide you with every assistance in the performance of your high duties.

I personally look forward to working with you, in order to build upon the friendly bilateral relations that exist between our two countries and expand even further our collaboration in a wide array of fields.

Your Excellency,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for Iran’s principled stance on the Cyprus problem and your consistent support to our efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive settlement, based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The status quo with regards to the Cyprus problem is not a viable option, neither for Cyprus and all Cypriots, nor for any actor with an interest in the security and stability in our region.

On my part, I want to reaffirm my commitment to the effort for a peaceful solution of the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis of bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as prescribed by relevant UN resolutions and to the convergences reached until the closure of the Conference in Cyprus in Crans Montana.

In this respect, my utmost priority is to exert every possible effort to break the current deadlock, resume a structured and results-oriented dialogue, and create the conditions for a solution that will lead to the reunification of our country, the reunification of our institutions and of our economy. The solution of the Cyprus issue must include the evolution of the Republic of Cyprus into a functional federal state, where all citizens live in conditions of security and understanding, without occupying troops and obsolete external dependencies. The solution must be in line with relevant UNSC resolutions and the EU acquis.

Your Excellency,

In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request that you convey to His Excellency the President and the friendly people of the Islamic Republic of Iran my warmest greetings. I wish to assure you once again of my government’s full support in the accomplishment of your important duties.

Ambassador Salarian, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus and wish you a fruitful and successful tenure.

For the address of the Ambassador, press here.