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14-07-2023 19:57

Address by the President of the Republic Mr Nikos Christodoulides at the reception hosted by the Ambassador of France on the occasion of the anniversary of Bastille Day

I am delighted to join you in celebrating Bastille Day.  The 14th of July marked the beginning of the French Revolution, a milestone in French, European and world history. It is not only a historically significant day but also a highly symbolic one as it marks the rebirth of a sovereign and proud nation alongside with the establishment of universal values.

Liberty, equality and fraternity.  

These three seemingly simple words encapsulated the desires of the French people during the revolution, but they have also defined a universal rallying cry about satisfying the yearnings of millions around the world. They have defined and continue to define the whole essence of how we should live our lives, operate as societies and as neighbors.

Cyprus attaches great importance to these values. We celebrate them but we also do not take them for granted because we know how hard these ideals were to attain and also how challenging it is to be maintained. They constitute the foundation of true democracy and just like France, Cyprus is doing everything in its power to safeguard them.

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to take the opportunity to refer to the excellent level of our bilateral relations and close cooperation, which, in recent years, is witnessing a dynamic and steady growth, as reflected in the Strategic Agenda signed in 2016.

My recent visit to France, just a few weeks after taking office, and my meeting with President Macron, attest to the fact that our relations with France have become even closer and more enduring in recent years. With President Macron, a true friend of Cyprus, we had the opportunity to reiterate our common commitment to promote our bilateral relations. We have discussed several ways to achieve this goal particularly in the areas of economy, energy, defence, security, and education.

The participation of TOTAL in the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus, as well as the expansion of the French Cypriot School in Lemesos since last September and of course our participation in the International Organisation of “La Francophonie” as a full member, are speaking examples of this close cooperation between our two countries.

The strengthening of cooperation between our countries is also reflected in the Agreement signed last September concerning cooperation during evacuation operations in the context of a crisis situation in the region of Middle East through the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. This is an agreement that highlights the role that Cyprus aims to play, as a pillar of peace and stability in a region that suffers from successive crises.

At the same time, one of the main pillars of our cooperation is defense and security where Cyprus and France constitute strategic partners. Our countries participate in joint exercises, while France is Cyprus’ leading defence capabilities provider. At the same time, we continue to welcome French airship landings and warship port calls to our facilities. In these turbulent times, our enhanced security and defense cooperation is an essential part of our policy and it is constantly evolving, both in the region and within the EU.

France is also one of our closest partners within the European Union and together we take steps towards a reinforced EU strategic autonomy, for a more geopolitical Union that has a leading role in the world. Our countries already work together to consolidate the common goal of a sovereign, geopolitical and autonomous Europe, one that has the means to affirm its identity, a Europe that is even stronger with more solidarity for all its members and its citizens.

On this occasion, I wish to express our gratitude once again to France for the solidarity and the constant and firm support towards Cyprus in our efforts to reach a just settlement of the Cyprus problem, on the basis of bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, in line with the relevant Security Council Resolutions. We also deeply appreciate the leading role of France in the recent consultations at the Security Council.

As I stated in my meetings with President Macron as well as with other European leaders, the Cyprus problem is European and as such, de facto, the EU has a significant role to play. This underpins my proposal for the EU to assume an even more active role in facilitating and complementing the work of the UN, at all stages, including at the current stage where efforts focus on breaking the deadlock and returning to the negotiating table always under the auspices of the Good Offices of the UN Secretary General.

Dear Ambassador, dear Salina, France has proven, time and again, to be a valuable friend to Cyprus especially in difficult times. I am certain that this support will continue, and France will be a solid partner in our vision to reunify our country, for the benefit of all Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, Maronites, Armenian, Latinos.

With these thoughts allow me to raise my glass to the prosperity of the French people and the further enhancement of our relations.