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19-11-2018 21:06

Address by the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works Mrs Vassiliki Anastassiadou on the on the occasion of the 48th National Day of the Sultanate of Oman

I am delighted to join you this evening at this wonderful reception to celebrate the 48th Anniversary of the National Day of the Sultanate of Oman and His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said’s Birthday.

Cyprus and Oman share a long-standing tradition of friendship and close cooperation at both the bilateral and international levels.  Our bilateral relations have been progressively evolving in recent years, providing a solid foundation on which we can build on so as to further deepen our close cooperation, not only in the political sphere, but also in an array of other areas including trade and investments, tourism, energy, education and technology.

We are most grateful for the very generous contributions offered to Cyprus by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, namely the navy vessel to be used for training and search and rescue operations delivered in 2017, as well as the financial contribution to build the Intensive Neonatal Care at the Limassol Hospital, as well as the restoration of the Kebir Mosque in Limassol.

I am certain that the upcoming visit of our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nicos Christodoulides, will provide further impetus to our relations and to engaging in regular dialogue to the benefit of our countries and peoples.

Oman is widely recognized and respected as a nation of firm principles. This is evident through His Majesty’s policy of non-intervention in other countries' affairs and respect for international law. Allow me to take this opportunity to also thank Oman for its principled position and support to our efforts to reach a viable and comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, that will end the ongoing Turkish occupation and reunite the island and its people and that will restore and safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots.

If I may say a few further words, the Government of Cyprus expresses its satisfaction with the position expressed by the UN Secretary General in his recent Report, that prospects for a comprehensive settlement between the communities on the island remain alive. We also welcome the Secretary General’s conviction that the way ahead must be well prepared. In this regard, President Anastasiades is closely engaging with the Secretary General’s representative Ms. Jane Holl Lute and is doing his utmost to contribute to the effort to resume the peace talks.

 We remain committed to continue negotiations from where they were left off in Crans-Montana on the basis of the six-point package of the UN Secretary General and the hard-won acquis that was formed during the process. The basis of the solution remains the bizonal, bicommunal federation as described in United Nations Resolutions that will reunify Cyprus as a modern, functional and EU acquis-compliant State without external interference, guarantees or foreign troops. A State that will be able to continue to assume its role as a purveyor of stability, prosperity and a crossroad for cooperation in the wider region of the Middle East region.

Your Excellency, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

 On this celebratory occasion, allow me to express my heartfelt congratulations to His Majesty and to raise my glass to the continued prosperity of the Sultanate of Oman, the Omani people and to the further strengthening and expanding of Cypriot – Omani relations.

 ( DC )