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06-03-2018 10:31

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Colombia

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received today, at a formal ceremony at the Presidential Palace, the credentials of the Ambassador of Colombia to the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Juan Rafael Mesa Zuleta.

Presenting his credentials, Ambassador Zuleta, speaking in Spanish, said:

“Excelentísimo señor Presidente:

Para mí es un honor representar al gobierno de Colombia, en cabeza del Presidente Juan Manuel Santos, ante la República de Chipre. Esta designación la acepte con el compromiso de mantener y estrechar las relaciones de amistad que existen entre nuestros países.

Con motivo de esta ceremonia trasmito al señor Presidente, Nicos Anastasiades, la felicitación del gobierno de Colombia por su reelección como Presidente de la República de Chipre el pasado 4 de febrero.

Mi antecesor el señor, Juan Sebastian Betancur, visitó Chipre cuando en Colombia aún estábamos en medio de la negociación del fin conflicto, me complace hoy estar aquí e informar que nuestro país vive una situación diferente, la construcción de una paz estable y duradera.

Venimos de una historia de más de 50 años de conflicto, por eso era fundamental adelantar el proceso de paz, como una vía para lograr la convivencia y la reconciliación entre los colombianos. El Acuerdo de Paz que se firmó hace un año traerá una transformación del campo colombiano, donde el sector agrícola será un factor decisivo para desarrollo del país.

El proceso no hubiera sido posible sin el soporte de la comunidad internacional. El apoyo que recibimos de los países de América Latina y de la Unión Europea ha sido definitivo.

Es también por eso que Colombia ha seguido con mucha atención y ha apoyado las resoluciones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas que buscan una salida estable y duradera al problema de la República de Chipre.

Por otro lado, junto con Perú firmamos el Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea en el 2013 y hemos trabajado en  estos años para su ratificación y aprovechamiento. Reiteramos el agradecimiento del gobierno de Colombia por la ratificación por parte de Chipre en junio de 2014, Acuerdo que constituye una herramienta para avanzar eficazmente en el intercambio comercial y de inversiones entre nuestras naciones.

Igualmente, en el caso de algunos países como Chipre, consideramos que la eliminación del visado de corta duración es otra gran oportunidad para fortalecer e incentivar el comercio, el turismo y el acercamiento con los países de la Unión Europea. Recuerdo que desde hace varios años Colombia no exige visa a los nacionales de Chipre.

Es mucho lo que nos une, la distancia cada día deja de ser una menor barrera. Tenemos mucho que aprender y mucho que enseñarnos entre nosotros. Y para ello es muy importante que Chipre considere las enormes potencialidades, no solo de Colombia sino de la región para el intercambio comercial. América Latina es una región con economías en crecimiento continuo y con unos niveles de pobreza que año tras año disminuye

Además, América Latina es región abierta a la integración, no solo entre nuestros países sino con otros mercados de la región. Es con este espíritu que Colombia, Perú, Chile y México trabajan en la consolidación de la Alianza del Pacífico como proceso de integración pragmático y enfocado en las relaciones comerciales y de inversión. A través de este mecanismo podemos explorar actividades que aproximen nuestras economías.

Adicionalmente, Colombia tiene un Consulado Honorario en Limasol, al igual que Chipre cuenta con su representación consular honoraria en Colombia. A través de estas oficinas se debe el desarrollo de actividades culturales y educativas que permitan el acercamiento de nuestros países.

Deseo reiterar el compromiso de mi país para buscar nuevas áreas de cooperación entre Colombia y Chipre, en especial en materia comercial, de turismo y cultura. Igualmente resalto el permanente diálogo que sostienen nuestras delegaciones permanentes en Nueva York, Ginebra y otros foros multilaterales para trabajar de manera conjunta en temas de interés común y prioritarios en la agenda internacional, así como el apoyo mutuo de candidaturas ante organismos internacionales”.

Receiving the credentials, the President of the Republic said:

“Your Excellency,

It is with distinct pleasure that I receive today your Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the Letters of Recall of your predecessor. I would like to wish you every success in your mission and to assure you that my Government will provide you with every possible assistance you may need in the performance of your duties.

Despite the geographical distance that separates our countries, Cyprus and Colombia have over the years developed a friendly and cordial bilateral relationship. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus is ready to work closely with the Government of the Republic of Colombia to further develop our bilateral cooperation in an array of fields, as well as intensifying the very good collaboration that exists between our two countries within the United Nations and other international organizations.   

As an EU member state, Cyprus fully supports Colombia’s peace process and commends the Colombian Government’s continuous efforts and commitment for its implementation. Moreover, Cyprus is committed to continue working constructively along with the rest of its European partners for the further strengthening of the EU-Colombia relations and cooperation in an array of areas such as trade, migration, sustainable development, climate change, human rights and the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism.

Your Excellency,

As I stated following my re-election as President of the Republic of Cyprus, the greatest challenge we face is the division and occupation of Cyprus. It is critical to end the unacceptable status quo in Cyprus caused by the illegal Turkish occupation of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, and to reunify our country.

In this regard, I would like to convey in the clearest terms that we remain strongly committed to negotiate a solution within the parameters that the Secretary-General set, for a viable and comprehensive settlement, fully in line with international and EU law, that reunites Cyprus in a modern, truly independent and sovereign state, free of any third country dependencies that will offer the prospect of prosperity and peaceful co-existence for all its citizens. 

Unfortunately, Turkey’s most recent illegal actions in our maritime zones amount to escalated provocations and to flagrant violation of our sovereign rights to explore and exploit our natural resources, and do not contribute to the creation of the necessary conditions for the resumption of the negotiations.

Furthermore, Turkey’s pretext that it is acting in order to protect the interests of the Turkish Cypriots is completely unfounded, since we have repeatedly and publicly stated that:

- The natural resources of the Republic of Cyprus belong to all Cypriots, Greek and Turkish Cypriots alike, in line with the convergence reached with the Turkish Cypriot side that decisions with regards to the maritime areas will be a federal competence in reunited Cyprus.

- Cyprus’s goal is to fully explore and exploit the hydrocarbon potential in its Exclusive Economic Zone, in the best terms possible, so as to maximize the benefits for all Cypriot citizens, in accordance with the submitted bill to the House of Representatives for the creation of a sovereign fund for the management of any future hydrocarbon resources, safeguarding the interests of current and future generations of all Cypriots. 

To this end, what I have made clear to the UN Secretary-General and the international community, is that if Turkey’s illegal actions cease along with the unacceptable positions and demands put forward by the Turkish Cypriot side, I am ready to immediately engage in a new dialogue as regards the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem, and also to take part in a new Conference on Cyprus, provided that the necessary preparation has taken place and that the five permanent members of the Security Council and the EU will assume an active role.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to reiterate our deep appreciation for the strong support of the Government of Colombia to our continuous efforts to reach a just, viable and comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, in line with the relevant UN Council Resolutions, the EU law, values and principles, and the High-Level Agreements between the leaders of the two communities and the Joint Declaration of February 11, 2014.

We therefore hope that Turkey refrains from actions that take us further apart from the goal of continuing the negotiations, and that both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side clarify their intentions and revisit their intransigent positions, particularly in the areas of security and guarantees, and as regards demands that are not in line with Cyprus’s capacity as a member state of the EU, so as to create sound prospects of achieving an overall agreement.

Your Excellency,

Five years ago, at the time of my first election as President of the Republic of Cyprus, this country was on the verge of financial collapse. Today, we can proudly - once more - connect Cyprus to growth and potential. Cyprus is currently one of the fastest growing economies of the EU, with a GDP growth rate close to 4%. Most importantly, this growth rate is expected to remain at similar levels for the next coming years.

From my side, I should emphasize the strong commitment of my Government to continue working so that Cyprus remains firmly on a path of sustainable growth. We shall continue to invest in our human capital, supporting higher education and research, and creating a business-friendly economic environment.

My Government’s plan during the next five years is to continuously improve the country’s business environment so as to reinforce the position of Cyprus as a competitive, innovative, stable and fully transparent destination for business and investment; to maintain sound public finances; to continue the promotion of structural reforms; to preserve a stable and competitive tax regime, and providing incentives for new business and investment. The majority of economic sectors in Cyprus present growth opportunities: energy, tourism, shipping, real estate, education, health, transport, research and innovatio

Despite the economic difficulties that we have faced in the near past, our country’s comparative advantages not only remain intact, but have been further enhanced and expanded, setting them apart from most investment destinations. Cyprus today continues to be a highly competitive center for international businesses, offering a platform for operations and preferential access to markets like Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

Your Excellency,

In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request you to convey to the President of the Republic of Colombia, H.E. Mr. Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, and to the people of Colombia, our warmest and sincere greetings for peace and prosperity.
