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09-03-2018 21:37

Address by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the Cyprus Shipping Chamber Annual dinner

It is with great pleasure that I attend once again the Cyprus Shipping Chamber’s Official Dinner. This event is now established as an annual tradition, which provides an opportunity to further enrich the relations between the representatives of the Cyprus Shipping Industry on the one hand, and Government State and business officials on the other.

This year, constitutes a historic moment for Cyprus Shipping, since this important sector has now its own dedicated Deputy Minister responsible for the shipping industry.

I am sure that my dear Minister, Natasa Pelidou, will meet the expectations of the government and yours in order to achieve our common goals.

The operation of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping and the restructuring of the maritime administration is expected to upgrade the services provided to the Cyprus shipping industry and further enhance the image of the Cyprus flag.

I would like to express the Government´s appreciation to the Cyprus Shipping Chamber for its support and long standing efforts to promote the relevant Bill for the creation of the Deputy Minister.

Also I thank all of you, for your continuous support and the trust you have shown on Cyprus Shipping and our Flag throughout the years and for contributing towards the impressive development of the Cyprus Shipping Industry.

The Cyprus Government acknowledges the important role that the Shipping sector plays in the Cyprus economy. At the same time, the Cyprus Government is well aware of the fact that the local shipping sector operates in a continuously evolving, highly competitive global environment, which requires stability, an essential ingredient for long term planning and investment.

For these reasons, my Government is determined to introduce those mechanisms necessary to protect this important sector, as well as to develop and strengthen it much further.

As this is a social event, I will not go into detail on the continuous efforts made by this Government to further improve the overall Shipping infrastructure in Cyprus and our services in the Shipping Industry. Instead, I will reiterate my Government’s intention to continue to place priority on Shipping and to assure you that the co-operation which existed until today between the Government and the Cyprus Shipping Chamber will not only continue, but will be further enhanced.

Undoubtedly, the geopolitical realities in our area are rapidly evolving and Cyprus is claiming its rightful place in the centre of these developments. New political and economic balances are emerging, connected also with the discovery of energy reserves in our region. The discovery of hydrocarbons in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) creates new prospects for our country and our national economy. Rest assured that we will do our best to overcome the problems we are facing with our neighbour.

Shipping can act as a catalyst in the stability and further development of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Towards that aim, Shipping forms part of the tripartite agreements with neighbouring countries, such as Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinine.

In this regard, it is clear that through intelligent planning and strategic alliances, the Shipping sector will play a lead role, in the joint efforts towards the creation of a new, more efficient and sustainable model for the region.

A viable and functional solution to the Cyprus Problem will inevitably lead to the lifting of the Turkish restrictive measures on Cyprus ships, a pending obligation by Turkey towards Cyprus and towards the EU. We will continue working tirelessly towards this end.

I am confident that the excellent cooperation and working relationship between the Government and the Cyprus Shipping Chamber will continue, paving the way to new accomplishments and a brighter future for Cyprus Shipping.

Concluding, I would like to extend once again my sincere appreciation for your invaluable contribution to Cyprus Shipping and to ask you to continue your efforts towards our common goals.