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25-02-2019 07:59

Intervention by the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the first Plenary Session of the League of Arab States – European Union Summit, yesterday

At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to President Sisi for hosting this historic Summit and congratulate both the President of Egypt and the President of the European Council.As an active advocate of an ever stronger Euro-Arab partnership, I consider this meeting as an important milestone.It highlights our acknowledgement that our strategic relations contribute to the efforts to address the multifaceted challenges in our common region and to promote peace, security, stability...

23-02-2019 13:25

The President of the Republic will participate in the first EU- League of Arab States Summit

The President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades leaves tomorrow morning for Sharm el-Sheikh, in Egypt, where he will participate in the first EU- League of Arab States (LAS) Summit on 24 and 25 February, and will also have bilateral contacts with heads of state and government.In addition to other contacts, President Anastasiades will meet tomorrow morning with the President of Egypt Mr Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, whereas on Monday morning he will meet with the Prime Minister of Lebanon Mr Saad...

22-02-2019 14:23

The Department of Antiquities on the illicit activities in the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces the successful prevention of illicit activities, concerning the survey for the location of antiquities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus without permission, in contravention of the Antiquities Law of Cyprus. This was achieved as a result of the co-operation of all the competent Authorities, that is the Department of Antiquities, the Deputy Ministry of Shipping, the Ministry of Defen...

22-02-2019 13:17

Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP): January 2019

Annual Rate of Change 2,1%In January 2019 the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices increased by 2,1% compared to January 2018, while compared to December 2018 the HICP decreased by 0,8%.  (Table 1) Note: The HICP in Euro area for the last month is based on EUROSTAT’s estimation (flash estimate).Compared to January 2018, the largest change was noted in category Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels with a change of 11,5%. (Table 1)Compared to December 2018, the largest change wa...

22-02-2019 12:48

Labour Force Survey: 4rd Quarter 2018

Unemployment 7,6%According to the results of the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the labour force in the 4th quarter of 2018 amounted to 440.765 persons or 62,5% of the population (males 68,5%, females 57,0%) in comparison to 428.291 persons (61,6%) in the corresponding quarter of 2017 (Table 1).The number of employed persons was 407.382 and the employment rate 57,8% (males 63,3%, females 52,7%) in comparison to 384.911 persons (55,3%) in the corresponding quarter of 2017.The number of unemploy...

22-02-2019 09:35

The Cyprus Museum will be closed on February 23, due to works by the EAC

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that the Cyprus Museum will be closed on Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. due to an interruption of the electricity supply, as a result of works carried out by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus.The Department of Antiquities apologies to the public for any inconvenience caused. (ML/II)

22-02-2019 08:52

Winners of PIO's 2nd Creative Communication Competition “I am voting in the European Elections” to be honored on March 1

The winners of the 2nd Creative Communication Competition on the subject: “I am voting in the European Elections”, organized by the Press and Information Office (PIO) in collaboration with seven universities in Cyprus, will be awarded by the Chief Spokesperson of the European Commission, Mr Margaritis Schinas, and the First Lady of the Republic, Andri Anastasiades, at a special event to be held on March 1, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the Hellenic Bank head office, in Lefkosia.Honorary awards to the un...

21-02-2019 09:42

Announcement of the Department of Labour Inspection on the Android mobile application “Air Quality Cyprus”

The Department of Labour Inspection operates a network of Air Quality Measurement which includes nine (9) Monitoring Stations. The results of the measurements are presented in real-time on the Department’s website and mobile applications.The mobile applications are available to the public and can be used for monitoring the air quality measurements through pollution level color indicators on the map and pollutant concentrations per station.The Department is currently performing migrations an...

21-02-2019 09:11

Address by Minister of Transport, Mrs Vassiliki Anastassiadou, at the event hosted on the occasion of the double celebration of the 58th National Day and of the 28th Liberation Day of the State of Kuwait

I am delighted to join you this evening for this double celebration of the 58th National Day and the 28th Liberation Day of the State of Kuwait. It is both an honour and a pleasure to convey, on behalf of the President and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, warmest congratulations and sincerest best wishes.Since gaining its independence in 1961, Kuwait has stood as a shining example to the world community and to smaller countries in particular, of what can be achieved by abiding to th...

20-02-2019 14:48

Announcement of the Public Debt Management Office on the successful transaction of the new 15 year senior unsecured notes

The Republic of Cyprus, rated BBB- (stable) by Standard and Poor's, Ba2 (stable) by Moody's, BBB- (stable) by Fitch and BBBL (stable) by DBRS, successfully launched its first syndicated transaction of the year, pricing a new EUR 1bn 15 year Reg S registered benchmark due 26 February 2034. The bond carries a coupon of 2.75% and was priced at 99.903%. Citi, Goldman Sachs International and HSBC were mandated as joint bookrunners on the transaction.BackgroundThe objectives of the transaction w...
