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26-05-2019 12:32

2019 European Parliament Elections: Polls close at noon

The Chief Returning Officer, Mr Kypros Kyprianou, announces that polls at all polling stations in the Republic and Greece closed at noon. Voting will resume at 1 p.m.The turnout of electors continued in a smooth and orderly manner.According to the estimates of the local Returning Officers, approximately 19% of the registered electors voted by noon.The percentages of the electors who have voted so far and the corresponding figures at previous elections, per constituency, are: 2019E...

26-05-2019 11:59

The President of the Republic visited a polling centre in Nicosia where Turkish Cypriots cast their vote for the European Parliament elections

The President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Anastasiades visited today, a polling centre in Nicosia where Turkish Cypriots cast their vote for the European Parliament elections.During his visit, the President greeted tens of Turkish Cypriot voters.Later on, in his remarks to reporters, the President said, among other things, that he visited the polling centre in order to find out that everything is moving smoothly, and stated that “I feel especially content from the briefing I had.”He added “i...

26-05-2019 10:39

The President of the Republic exercised his right to vote in the elections for the European Parliament

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, exercised today his right to vote for the European Parliament elections, at the Laniteion Lyceum polling center in Lemesos. After casting his vote, the President, in his remarks to reporters said, inter alia, that “today, is yet another day that we celebrate democracy. A day on which we make a decision that concerns the great European Union family. A day on which we want to send a strong message as to what kind of Europe we want. A Eur...

26-05-2019 10:29

2019 European Parliament Elections: Voting process continues smoothly

The Chief Returning Officer, Mr Kypros Kyprianou, announces that the voting process for the election of Members of the European Parliament continues smoothly at all polling stations.The voting is being carried out normally, and absolute order and calm prevails at all polling stations.Until 10 a.m., the turnout percentage of voters has reached 7,3% and the corresponding figures of previous elections, per constituency, are: 2019European Parliament Elections2014European Parliament...

26-05-2019 08:31

2019 European Parliament Elections: Statements of the Chief Returning Officer, live from the Press and Information Office

For the Chief Returning Officer’s statements, from the Press and Information Office, please follow the youtube link:

26-05-2019 07:14

2019 European Parliament Elections: The voting has started

The Chief Returning Officer, Mr Kypros Kyprianou, announces that at 7 a.m. exactly, the polls opened at all polling stations in the Republic of Cyprus and Greece, and the voting has begun for the election of the Republic’s six representatives to the European Parliament.The voting will continue until 12 noon and, following a one-hour break, will resume at 1 p.m. and definitely close at 6 p.m.Presiding officers at polling stations may, shall the need arise, extend the voting hours until midni...

24-05-2019 13:41

The President of the Republic received the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received today Friday, May 24, 2019, at the Presidential Palace, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus, Mrs Elizabeth Spehar. Present at the meeting were the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, the Government Spokesman, Mr Prodromos Prodromou, and the Greek Cypriot interlocutor, Mr Andreas Mavroyiannis. After the meeting, Mrs Spehar told reporters that “it was a very good meeting. We covered a num...

23-05-2019 17:52

Statement of the delegation of Cyprus on the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 at the UN General Assembly on 22 May 2019

Madam President,Cyprus welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, the very clear direction given by the Court, as well as its forward-looking and co-operative approach.By clarifying the scope of decolonization and what it entails, the Court makes a very significant contribution to an endeavor consubstantial to the United Nations: it guides us in finally laying to rest the remnants of colonialism as a necessary step towards achieving the sovereign equality of states...

23-05-2019 08:45

Hala Sultan Mosque not accessible to visitors on 6 June 2019

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces that, due to the celebrations of the month of Ramadan and Eid-al Fitr, an organised visit by a large number of pilgrims will take place at the Mosque of Hala Sultan in Larnaka. The mosque will not be accessible to the general public on Thursday, 6 June 2019.The Department of Antiquities apologises for any inconvenience that may be caused.(AH)

22-05-2019 07:58

The Foreign Minister hosts Iftar Dinner in honour of the Ambassadors of the Muslim world on the occasion of Ramadan

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, hosted an Iftar Dinner yesterday evening, May 21st 2019, in honour of the Ambassadors hailing from countries of the Muslim world based in Lefkosia, on the occasion of Ramadan.Addressing Ambassadors attending the dinner, Mr Christodoulides stated inter alia that this was “an occasion where individually and collectively we are called on to renew our dedication to shared values, irrespectively of whether we are of the Muslim faith or ot...
