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12-03-2020 08:38

Management of Sia Postal Agency

Cyprus Post accepts applications of citizens of community of Sia village to take over the local postal agency in the form of assignment of duties and not employment, as well as the delivery of mail, with a remuneration of €312,00 on a monthly basis. Interested people may contact Lefkosia District Post Officer at tel. 22805800 – 22805899. Application deadline is 3th April 2020.   (ND/SCH)

11-03-2020 13:15

Government Employment by category: February 2020

In February 2020 total government employment increased by 414 persons (0,8%) in comparison to the corresponding month of 2019 and reached 52.533 persons. Permanent staff decreased by 686 persons (-2,4%), from 28.460 to 27.774 persons. Casual staff increased by 7,5% and reached 16.278 persons compared to 15.139 persons in February 2019. Compared to February 2019 there is an increase of staff in all personnel categories except Civil Service, with the largest observed in Education (3,4%) and m...

11-03-2020 11:42

Cancellation of the opening of the exhibition “REBIRTH” - The return of 219 works of art from the Turkish Cypriot to the Greek Cypriot community

The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth would like to inform the public that, in accordance with the precautionary measures announced by the Council of Ministers, the opening of the exhibition "REBIRTH", originally scheduled to take place on Saturday 14 March, is postponed until further notice.

11-03-2020 08:57

Announcement by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth regarding the provision of information about COVID-19 virus outbreak.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth would like to inform the directorates of public and private schools, primary and a secondary education, that for any information, clarification or question they have with regard to the measures taken by the Ministerial Council as well as with regard to the decisions taken by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth they may contact the following phone numbers accordingly:Directorate of Primary Education...

10-03-2020 21:03

Photo Album - President of the Republic

The President of the Republic participates in a teleconference among the leaders of the EU member states on coronavirus.

10-03-2020 20:18

Decisions taken by the Ministerial Council with regard to coronavirus

The Ministerial Council during its meeting today decided that the following measures be taken against the outbreak of coronavirus:-Extension of the period of closure of the four checkpoints (Ledra Street, Astromeritis, Lefka, Derynia). -All the schools in Lefkosia, both public and private, primary and secondary education, will close for three days (a list is going to be issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth).-All the events and other mass gatherings of more than 75 pe...

10-03-2020 19:52

Travel advice regarding the COVID- 19 outbreak (10/03/2020)

Travel Advice: Avoid non-essential travelDue to the increasing spread of the coronavirus in various countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following its previous travel advice and relevant guidelines by the Ministry of Health, wishes to advise Cypriot citizens who are currently abroad or are planning to travel abroad to avoid traveling to areas/countries with a high number of cases and generally to avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.Countries/regions with a high incidence of conf...

10-03-2020 19:50

Statements by the Minister of Interior on immigration

The government has adopted an action plan to holistically tackle the growing migration flows, Interior Minister, Nikos Nouris, said today. Speaking to reporters at the Presidential Palace following the Council of Ministers meeting, Mr Nouris said that the Council of Ministers adopted the action plan drawn up to holistically address the increasing migration flows in our country. He also noted that ‘’The dramatic increase in illegal immigration in Cyprus, as well as the significant  increase ...

10-03-2020 16:09

The public is requested to call 1420 to report symptoms only

The Ministry of Health and the Ambulance Services address appeal to the public to use sparingly the phone number 1420, which is at their disposal to report symptoms only and not for information.Overloading the telephone centre, can cause unnecessary inconvenience to our fellow citizens, who need to receive instructions because of possible health problems.For more information and the latest news, the public may visit the website:

10-03-2020 15:42

Updated travel advice regarding the Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health would like to announce updated travel guidelines regarding persons having travelled within the past 14 days, based on the categorized countries of origin as follows:Category I: Compulsory isolation under medical supervision (quarantine) at home, if possible, or at premises managed by the Ministry of Health- Hubei province, China- Italy- Iran- Republic of KoreaCategory II: Compulsory isolation at home, or at premises managed by the Ministry of Health for 14 days un...
