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08-10-2020 13:34

Written statement by the President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades

I consider the decision by Turkey and the occupation regime to extend for use part of the beach front of the fenced city of Famagusta, as an illegal act and a flagrant violation of international law and the resolutions of the UN Security Council 550 (1984) and 789 (1992).The Republic of Cyprus has not and will not be inactive. It has already protested against these violations to the Security Council and its five Permanent Members, to the UN Secretary General, to the heads of the Institutions...

08-10-2020 13:32

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Japan

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of Japan, Mrs Seki Izumi, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday, 8 October 2020.Presenting her credentials, Mrs Izumi, speaking in English, said:“Your Excellency,It is a great honor and privilege for me to be received in audience today by Your Excellency and present my credentials by which His Majesty the Emperor of Japan appointed me as Ambassador Extraordinary a...

08-10-2020 13:31

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Brazil

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of Brazil, Mr Eduardo Augusto Ibiapina de Seixas, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday, 8 October 2020.Presenting his credentials, Mr de Seixas, speaking in English, said:“Your Excellency,It is an honour for me to present to Your Excellency the letters of Credence accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil ...

08-10-2020 08:46

High concentrations of dust are observed in the air

High concentrations of dust are observed in the air today, 8 October 2020, according to measurements from ground Stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network operated by the Department of Labour Inspection.The public, and particularly any vulnerable groups of population (children, older people, and the infirm) are urged to avoid circulating in open spaces until the observed episode has elapsed, as the small size of respirable particles in dust may have negative effects on human health.Em...

07-10-2020 13:53

Initial statement by the Minister of Health Mr. Constantinou at a press conference on developments concerning the pandemic

I would like to thank you for your presence here today and let me once again praise the contribution of the Media to the efforts for keeping the public responsibly informed about the unprecedented health crisis that plagues the whole planet.The purpose of today’s Press conference is to inform the public on the latest developments about the coronavirus, so that we may collectively and responsibly brace ourselves to meet the challenges which we might be called upon to face in the coming period...

07-10-2020 08:33

Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the UN Secretary General on Varosha

The UN Secretary General is concerned by the announcement made today on the opening of the beach/coast line of Varosha. He recalls that the position of the United Nations on Varosha remains unchanged and is guided by relevant Security Council resolutions.The Secretary General stresses the need to avoid any unilateral actions that could trigger tensions on the island and undermine the return to dialogue or the future success of talks. He calls on all parties to engage in dialogue in order to ...

06-10-2020 23:27

Remarks by the President of the Republic after National Council meeting

The announcement of the National Council expresses everybody's position for the condemnation of all the unacceptable decisions made by Turkey on 6/10/2020, the President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades said, adding that Turkey’s decision regarding Famagusta is totally unacceptable.In his remarks to the media, following the meeting of the National Council, at the Presidential Palace, the President of the Republic said that «the announcement of the National Council expresses everyone’s p...

06-10-2020 21:10

The President of the Republic presided over a meeting of the National Council

The President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades presided over a meeting of the National Council, at the Presidential Palace.In his remarks to the media, following the conclusion of the meeting, the Government Spokesman Mr. Kyriakos Koushios, read the following joint communique of the National Council:«The National Council, during its meeting today, in addition to the briefing it received from the President of the Republic and the views which were expressed by the political parties, focu...

06-10-2020 18:40

Written statement by the Government Spokesman Mr. Kyriakos Koushos

The President and the government of the Republic of Cyprus condemn in the strongest terms the decision of the occupier, Turkey, and of its henchman in the occupied areas, Ersin Tatar, to extend the license for entry to the coastal front of Varosha, during a pre-election fiesta they held in Ankara, in the eve of the electoral process for the emergence of a new Turkish Cypriot leader.We will protest over this provocative and illegal action on the part of Turkey and of its henchmen in Cyprus to...

06-10-2020 15:54

Extended duration of contingency measures in force in the District of Larnaca

In the follow up to the additional contingency measures that came into effect for Larnaca District as of 23 September 2020, the Ministry of Health announces that by a Minister of Health Decree today, the validity of the measures is renewed until midnight, October 14.More specifically, the public are reminded that the measures in force are the following:Individuals are permitted to attend gatherings in houses and public meeting areas, with the exception of catering places, not exceeding a m...
