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22-03-2021 08:57

Agriculture Minister in Brussels to attend Agriculture and Fisheries Councils

The Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Mr. Costas Kadis, travelled to Brussels yesterday to attend the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, which will be held on 22-23 March 2021. The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will mainly discuss the fishing opportunities for 2021 with the aim to reach an agreement.With regard to agriculture, the Council will debate the preparedness of phytosanitary measures to protect against plant pests threatening agriculture. Ministers w...

21-03-2021 17:00

Rapid antigen testing for employees and the general population – Testing units 22 March 2021

Aiming at the continuous surveillance of the community and the workplaces, the free programmes of rapid antigen testing of the general population and employees are in progress.For the smooth and safe operation of businesses that have been activated according to the Decrees, employers in businesses, as well as the Heads of Departments/Services in the public and wider public sector, are obliged to coordinate the rapid testing of the employees, so that the mandatory weekly testing of the person...

21-03-2021 15:19

Rescheduling of postponed appointments for vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine

Following the scientific opinion of the European Medicines Agency and the recommendation of the World Health Organisation last week on the safety and efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Ministry of Health is continuing, on the basis of its planning, the implementation of the National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19.In this context, the Vaccination Portal will open from Monday, 22 March at 8 am, until Tuesday, 23 March, at 7pm exclusively for the rescheduling of appointments for vaccin...

21-03-2021 10:19

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, departs for Brussels for participation in the EU Foreign Affairs Council

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, departs today for Brussels, where he is due to take part in the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union that takes place tomorrow, Monday.During the meeting, the Foreign Ministers will discuss inter alia EU-Turkey relations, in the light of the latest developments and on the basis of the relevant report of the European Commission and the EU High Representative on the state of play and the future of relations betw...

20-03-2021 19:27

Rapid antigen testing for employees and the general population – Testing units 21 March 2021

Aiming at the continuous surveillance of the community and the workplaces, the free programmes of rapid antigen testing of the general population and employees are in progress.For the smooth and safe operation of businesses that have been activated according to the Decrees, employers in businesses, as well as the Heads of Departments/Services in the public and wider public sector, are obliged to coordinate the rapid testing of the employees, so that the mandatory weekly testing of the person...

20-03-2021 18:16

Common Statement of the Inter-Ministerial Meeting MED5, Athens 19-20 March 2021

We, the Ministers of the Interior and Migration of Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Spain and Greece, were gathered in Athens on March 19-20, 2021, to thoroughly discuss the various elements of the proposed Pact on Migration and Asylum and further consolidate our negotiating position.Six months after the official launch of the negotiation on a new European Pact on Migration and Asylum and following several common position papers from our countries, our principal concerns remain. We continue to observe ...

20-03-2021 13:09

The EU needs to take its seat at the Cyprus negotiation table

Article by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at’s membership in the European Union, and the European Union’s ability to bring its prowess, expertise, and competencies to bear, has shown to be game-changing. Cyprus does not need more martyred diplomats. The EU needs to take its seat at the table to break the graveyard metaphor and establish a clear path to resolution and peace on its own soil.As a historian by training, and diplomat in my previous...

20-03-2021 03:45

Statement by the Minister of Interior Mr. Nikos Nouris during the MED-5 Inter-Ministerial Press Conference in Athens

Dear fellow Ministers and friends,Allow me first of all to thank my friend, Minister Notis Mitarakis, and the Greek government for the initiative and for the excellent hospitality and organization of this conference of the Mediterranean Interior and Migration Ministers.Today each one of the frontline Member States, that we are facing the largest burden of the migration flows in the European Union, we had the opportunity to present the dimension of the problem in their country and their posi...

19-03-2021 17:36

The Vaccination Portal will be made available for people aged 66 and over on 20 and 21 March

Within the framework of the National Vaccination Plan for COVID-19, the Ministry of Health continues the vaccinations on the basis of the available vaccines. Consequently, as of Saturday, 20 March, at 8 a.m. and until Sunday, 21 March, at 7 p.m., through the Vaccination Portal, 8,934 new appointments will be made available for people aged 66 and over.The appointments will be made available in all Vaccination Centres operating in all Districts.For a better and faster service to citizens, the...

19-03-2021 16:30

Rapid antigen testing for employees and the general population – Testing units 20 March 2021

Aiming at the continuous surveillance of the community and the workplaces, the free programmes of rapid antigen testing of the general population and employees are in progress.For the smooth and safe operation of businesses that have been activated according to the Decrees, employers in businesses, as well as the Heads of Departments/Services in the public and wider public sector, are obliged to coordinate the rapid testing of the employees, so that the mandatory weekly testing of the person...
