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03-12-2021 16:39

Pope Francis prays with immigrants, at the Catholic Church of the Holy Cross, in Cyprus

Dear Brothers and Sisters,It is a great joy to be here with you and to conclude my visit to Cyprus with this prayer meeting. I thank Patriarchs Pizzaballa and Béchara Raï, and Ms. Elisabeth of Caritas. I greet with affection and gratitude the representatives of the different Christian confessions present in Cyprus.I want to say, from my heart, a big “thanks” to you, the young migrants who offered your testimonies. I received copies of them in advance, about a month ago. They made a great im...

03-12-2021 14:38

Announcement by the Ministry of Interior regarding Pope Francis’ visit to Cyprus

Pope Francis’ visit to Cyprus is a historic moment for our country, but also a milestone in the relations between the Republic of Cyprus and the Holy See. This visit coincides with a period when the Republic of Cyprus is facing a vast number of challenges both at a national and international level.The Ministry of Interior would like to express its sincere thanks to the significant initiative of Pope Francis and the Holy See, of relocating 50 immigrants from Cyprus to the Vatican. Among them,...

03-12-2021 14:26

Registered unemployed: November 2021

The unemployed persons, registered at the District Labour Offices on the last day of November 2021, reached 13.977 persons. Based on the seasonally adjusted data that show the trend of unemployment, the number of registered unemployed for November 2021 decreased to 14.857 persons in comparison to 15.154 in the previous month. (Table 1)In comparison with November 2020, a decrease of 18.991 persons or 57,6% was recorded, attributed mainly to the sector of accommodation and food service activit...

03-12-2021 14:21

Industrial Turnover Index: September 2021

Annual Change +13,8%In September 2021, the Industrial Turnover Index reached 162,1 units (base 2015=100), recording an increase of 13,8% compared to September 2020. For the period January-September 2021, the index recorded an increase of 12,1% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.  In manufacturing, the Industrial Turnover Index for September 2021 reached 152,5 units, recording an increase of 5,2% compared to September 2020. Increases were also noted in the sectors of ...

03-12-2021 14:00

Rapid antigen testing units – 4 December 2021

Based on the decisions of the Council of Ministers, and aiming at the suppression of the dispersion of the virus SARS-CoV-2, as of the 18th of October, in places where SafePass is required, individuals aged 12 and above must hold one of the following:1.   Certificate of full vaccination.2.   Proof that they have been infected with COVID-19 during the last six months.3.   Certificate of a PCR negative test or a negative rapid antigen test result, valid for 72 hours.According to the Ministe...

03-12-2021 11:46

Pope Francis addresses congregants during the Holy Mass, at GSP Stadium, in Cyprus

Dear brothers and sisters,I am the one who would like to thank you, all of you!Tomorrow morning, before leaving the country, I will have occasion to bid farewell to the President of the Republic, but right now I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for the welcome and affection that you have shown me.Here in Cyprus, I feel something of that atmosphere typical of the Holy Land, where antiquity and the variety of Christian traditions enrich every pilgrim. This is good for...

03-12-2021 11:21

Speech by Pope Francis during the Holy Mass, at GSP Stadium, in Cyprus

As Jesus was passing by, two blind men cried out in misery and hope: “Have mercy on us, Son of David” (Mt 9:27). “Son of David” was a title attributed to the Messiah, who the prophecies predicted would come from the line of David. The two men in today’s Gospel are blind, yet they see the most important thing: they realize that Jesus is the Messiah who has come into the world. Let us reflect on three steps in this encounter. They can help us in turn, during this Advent season, to welcome the L...

03-12-2021 09:37

Address by Pope Francis to the Members of the Holy Synod, at Apostle Varnavas Cathedral, in Cyprus

Your Beatitudes, Dear Bishops of the Holy Synod,I am pleased to be with you and I am grateful for your cordial welcome. Thank you, dear Brother, for your kind words, for your openness of heart and commitment to promoting dialogue between us. I wish to extend my greetings to the priests and deacons, and to the faithful of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, with a particular thought for the monks and nuns, who by their prayer purify and elevate the faith of all.The grace of being here reminds me ...

03-12-2021 08:18

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN, Ambassador Andreas Hadjichrysanthou, at the United Nations General Assembly on Sport for development and peace

Mr President,My country maintains strong links with the Olympic Ideal, formed through Cyprus’ participation in the Olympic Games since their initiation in antiquity. I would like to thank China for bringing forward the resolution on the Olympic Ideal this year and wish them every success in hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Cyprus has once again co-sponsored this resolution, reaffirming our commitment to the principles and ideals it stands for.While lauding the core values and principl...

02-12-2021 20:57

Toast by the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the official dinner in honor of the delegation of the Holy See, at the Presidential Palace

I would like to welcome you to Cyprus and to express our gratitude for your presence with us tonight.The visit of His Holiness, Pope Francis, to Cyprus is a truly historic event and constitutes a great honour for my country and its people.This visit comes at testing times for the entire world. Inequality is rising. Intolerance is prevalent among peoples and faith. Human rights remain under attack.  Injustice is widespread.Forced displacement and migration, do not only jeopardize efforts to...
