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19-06-2024 12:50

Cyprus takes part in London Tech Week

The Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with the Cyprus Trade Centre in London, participated with an info-kiosk in London Tech Week, which took place between 10 and 12 June 2024, at Olympia Exhibition Centre in London.London Tech Week is considered to be the most significant annual tech event in the United Kingdom (UK) with a great number of side events and presentations.This year’s exhibition attracted more than 250 participants, including country pavilions from Dubai...

18-06-2024 13:59

Price Index of Construction Materials: May 2024

Annual Change -1,32% The Price Index of Construction Materials for May 2024 reached 117,35 units (base year 2021=100), recording a marginal increase of 0,11% compared to the previous month.Compared to the same month of the previous year, the index recorded a decrease of 1,32%. By main commodity category, decreases were recorded in metallic products (-6,68%) whereas increases were observed in electromechanical products (3,24%), minerals (1,01%), mineral products (0,49%) and products of wood,...

18-06-2024 13:43

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP): May 2024

Annual Rate of Change 3,0% The HICP rose by 3,0% between May 2023 and May 2024, and increased by 1,2% in the month between April 2024 and May 2024. For the period January – May 2024, the HICP rose by 2,2% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. (Table 1)Note: The HICP in Euro area for the last month is based on EUROSTAT’s estimation (flash estimate).Compared to May 2023, the largest positive changes were noted in Restaurants and Hotels (6,1%) and Transport (5,6%).  (Tab...

17-06-2024 19:25

Statements by the President of the Republic of Cyprus at the Informal Meeting of the European Council

The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, today, upon arrival at the Informal Meeting of the European Council, expressed his support to the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament, adding that he will voice this stance during discussions.In his statements to journalists soon after his arrival at the Informal Meeting of the European Council, held today, 17 June 2024, in Brussels, President Christodoulides stated the following:...

17-06-2024 19:08

Address by the Deputy Minister of Culture, Dr Vasiliki Kassianidou, at the event for the re-opening the Cyprus Gallery at the Neues Museum, in Berlin

Sehr geehrte Frau Staatsministerin Roth;Exzellenzen;Sehr geehrte Gäste;Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren;Liebe Freunde;Ich danke Ihnen allen, dass Sie uns heute Abend mit Ihrer Anwesenheit beehren. Ich freue mich sehr, anlässlich der Wiedereröffnung des Zypernsaals in Berlin zu sein, ein Ereignis, das die immer enger werdenden bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Zypern und Deutschland unterstreicht. Wir sind dem Neuen Museum sehr dankbar, dass es uns willkommen heißt und gemeinsam mit unserer B...

17-06-2024 15:49

Cypriot ancient ceramic vessel handed over in Berlin by the Alexander Malios Research Institute for Cypriot Heritage and Archaeology – Leipzig

The Department of Antiquities of the Deputy Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus announces that on the 17th June 2024 a Cypriot ancient artefact was handed over to the Cyprus authorities in Berlin by the Alexander Malios Research Institute for Cypriot Heritage and Archaeology. Mr Malios handed over the artefact to the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, Dr Vasiliki Kassianidou, and the Curator of Antiquities, Ms Eftychia Zachariou.Mr Malios decided to hand over the...

17-06-2024 13:20

Labour Cost Index: 1st Quarter 2024

Annual Change 4,9%Based on provisional data, in the 1st quarter of 2024, the hourly labour costs (total cost) increased by 4,9%, compared with the same quarter of the previous year.The two main components of labour costs, wages and salaries per hour worked and non-wage costs per hour worked increased by 4,5% and 6,5% respectively, compared with the same quarter of the previous year.Note: From the 1st quarter of 2023 onwards, data are provisional.The hourly labour cost (total cost), seaso...

17-06-2024 13:13

Tourist arrivals and returns of residents of Cyprus from trips abroad: May 2024

Tourist Arrivals 0,3% and Returns of Residents of Cyprus 13,8%Tourist Arrivals The arrivals of tourists reached 421.400 in May 2024 compared to 420.076 in May 2023, recording an increase of 0,3%. For the period of January – May 2024, arrivals of tourists totaled 1.170.214 compared to 1.156.705 in the corresponding period of 2023, recording an increase of 1,2%.Arrivals from the United Kingdom were the main source of tourism for May 2024 with a share of 39,8% (167.696) of total arrivals, f...

17-06-2024 12:16

Announcement by the Department of Antiquities: Hala Sultan Mosque not accessible to visitors on Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The Department of Antiquities, Deputy Ministry of Culture, announces that due to the celebrations of Kurban Bayram or Eid Al-Adha, an organised visit by a large number of pilgrims will take place at the Mosque of Hala Sultan in Larnaka. The mosque will not be accessible to the general public on Wednesday, 19 June 2024.We apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused.(GS)

16-06-2024 14:29

Intervention by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the International Summit on Peace in Ukraine, in Switzerland

Dear Chair,Dear President Zelenskyy,Dear Colleagues,We are all here today to reiterate once again that Ukraine is not alone. This broad participation of leaders reflects our strong commitment for lasting peace in Ukraine. For lasting peace in the European continent, in a time where the perception that “peace is a given” has crumbled.Our presence here today also aims to highlight the great respect of the international community towards the heroic, brave and resilient Ukrainians. Today, we ...
