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31-01-2023 13:48

Reminder for the payment of rent for P.O. Boxes

The Department of Postal Services would like to inform P.O. Box lessees, including the Government Departments, that the rent for the period from 1 January - 31 December 2023 should be paid no later than 28 February 2023. Rent may be prepaid for two or three years.The rent is payable at any Post Office, regardless of where the P.O. Box is located, or by sending a cheque to the Director of the Department of Postal Services, 1900 Lefkosia. It is noted that for customers’ convenience payments ca...

31-01-2023 13:02

Photo Album - PoR – Inauguration of the Social Welfare Centre of Sotira

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, inaugurates the Social Welfare Centre of Sotira.

31-01-2023 11:50

Photo Album - PoR – Inauguration of the new public nursery school in Frenaros

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, inaugurates the new public nursery school in Frenaros, Ammochostos.

31-01-2023 09:04

Reference to the Cyprus problem during UN press briefing

During’s yesterday’s (30.1.23) press briefing at UN Headquarters, the Spokesperson for the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Stéphane Dujarric, replied to questions set by the OMEGA correspondent, Mr Michalis Ignatiou, as follows:Ignatiou: Through the adoption of its resolution for the extension of UNFICYP’s mandate, the Security Council clearly shows its concern on the situation in Varosha and in particular that it takes the Turkish threats for further reopening of the fenced area serio...

30-01-2023 20:00

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN, Ambassador Andreas Hadjichrysanthou, on the adoption of the resolution for the renewal of the mandate of UNFICYP

We welcome the unanimous adoption of the resolution for the renewal of the mandate of UNFICYP by the Security Council, for 12 months. The unanimous decision of the Security Council without any disagreement, is indicative of the support provided by the Security Council to the agreed solution basis. And this is reflected in the resolution.There are three important points that we need to highlight compared to the previous resolution in July:The first concerns Varosha, with the Security Council...

30-01-2023 18:17

Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the UN Security Council Resolution for the renewal of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its satisfaction with the adoption by the Security Council of the Resolution renewing the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for another 12 months, namely until January 31, 2024. The Council will continue to be informed every six months both on the Good Offices Mission as well as on the Peacekeeping Force, through the relevant Reports of the UN Secretary-General.It is recalled that the aforementioned Resolution, together with Resolution 1...

30-01-2023 15:56

Photo Album - Justice Minister – Cooperation Protocol with the Greek Minister for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection

The Minister of Justice and Public Order, Ms Stephie Dracos, signs a Protocol of Cooperation with the Minister for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of the Hellenic Republic, Mr Christos Stylianides, at the Ministry of Justice and Public Order.

30-01-2023 12:32

Industrial Production Index: November 2022

Annual Change +1,9%In November 2022, the Industrial Production Index reached 131,8 units (base 2015=100), recording an increase of 1,9% compared to November 2021. For the period January – November 2022, the index recorded an increase of 1,7% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.The manufacturing sector registered an increase of 3,3% compared to November 2021. An increase was also observed in the sector of mining and quarrying (+8,5%). Negative changes were observed in ...

28-01-2023 11:08

Reference to the Cyprus problem during UN press briefing

During’s yesterday’s (27.1.23) press briefing at UN Headquarters, the Spokesperson for the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Stéphane Dujarric, replied to questions set by the OMEGA correspondent, Mr Michalis Ignatiou, as follows:"Question: Thank you, Stephane. I have some questions on Cyprus, please. My first question is what exactly Mr Stewart said; if you have a transcript. Did he really blame the Greek Cypriots for the impasse? The question is yes or no? Spokesperson: You may ask wha...

28-01-2023 10:20

High concentrations of dust in the air

High concentrations of dust are observed in the air today, 28 January 2023, according to measurements from ground Stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network operated by the Department of Labour Inspection.The public and particularly any vulnerable groups of population (children, older people and the infirm) are urged to avoid circulating in open spaces until the observed episode has elapsed, as the small size of respirable particles in dust may have negative effects on human health.Empl...
