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09-07-2024 18:36

Announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus on the donation of a mobile X-ray diagnostic vehicle by the Government of the Italian Republic

A ceremony was held on Tuesday, 9th of July 2024, at the Larnaka Port, to receive a mobile X-ray diagnostic vehicle, between the Customs & Excise Departments of the Republic of Cyprus and the Italian Republic. The vehicle was donated by the Italian government, in the framework of the implementation of the “Amalthea” plan. The government of the Republic of Cyprus, at the handover ceremony, was represented by Ms Theodora Demetriou, Director of Customs & Excise Departments.The mobile X-...

09-07-2024 16:00

Results of the Survey on Industrial Production 2022

Increase in Value Added in the Industrial Sector by 7,2% According to the results of the Survey on Industrial Production 2022, employment in the broad industrial sector increased in 2022 by 3,0%, to 42,1 thousand compared to 40,9 thousand persons in 2021. In manufacturing employment reached 37,1 thousand, in mining and quarrying 0,6 thousand, in electricity supply 2,2 thousand and in water supply, sewerage and waste management also 2,2 thousand persons.In the whole of the industrial sector...

08-07-2024 14:33

Registration Of Motor Vehicles: January-June 2024

Total Registrations +19,2%The Statistical Service announces the publication of the report entitled "Registration of Motor Vehicles" for the period January-June 2024. In June 2024, the total registrations of motor vehicles numbered 4.369, recording an increase of 6,7% compared to 4.094 in June 2023. Passenger saloon cars registered a rise of 8,9% to 3.447 from 3.166 in June 2023. The main developments during the period January-June 2024 compared to the corresponding period of 2023 are summa...

08-07-2024 14:25

Building Permits: April 2024

The Statistical Service announces that the number of building permits authorised by the municipal authorities and the district administration offices during April 2024 stood at 669. The total value of these permits reached €261,3 million and the total area 192,3 thousand square metres. These building permits provide for the construction of 930 dwelling units. During the period January-April 2024, 2.545 building permits were issued compared to 2.351 in the corresponding period of the previous...

07-07-2024 09:22

Written statement by the Government Spokesman of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Konstantinos Letymbiotis, as regards the open letter of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus

From the outset, the prime concern and priority of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, has been to break the deadlock, to resume talks from where they were discontinued in Crans-Montana as well as to achieve a definitive solution to the Cyprus problem, based on the agreed framework by the relevant United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolutions for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality.Our initiatives aimed at creating conditions, conducive ...

07-07-2024 09:20

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus on the informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus unequivocally condems the Turkish attempts to promote the secessionist entity in contravention of International Law. As part of Ankara’s efforts, officials from the secessionist entity were invited by Azerbaijan to the informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha. The OTS is being used once again by Ankara as a means of promoting the secessionist entity. The Republic of Cyprus is taking all necessary measures,...

06-07-2024 09:22

Address by the President of the House of Representatives, Mrs Annita Demetriou, at the UCLan Cyprus graduation ceremony

Pattichion Amphitheatre, 5/07/24 Honorable Madam Rector of UCLan Cyprus University,Honorable Chair of the Council, Dear members of the academic community, Dear students, Dear parents, Ladies and gentlemen,"Education is the most powerful force you can use to change the world!", according to Nelson Mandela. And you are the yeast of change! Tonight we celebrate the end of a journey and the start of another. And we are here to point out that even the smallest step of progress, even the sligh...

05-07-2024 13:06

Industrial Turnover Index: April 2024

Annual Change +11,1% In April 2024, the Industrial Turnover Index reached 133,8 units (base 2021=100), recording an increase of 11,1% compared to April 2023. For the period January – April 2024, the index recorded an increase of 3,1% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. In manufacturing, the Industrial Turnover Index for April 2024 reached 137,7 units, recording an increase of 13,8% compared to April 2023. Increases were also recorded in the sectors of water supply a...

04-07-2024 14:03

House Price Index (HPI): 1st Quarter 2024

Annual Change 1,1%According to preliminary estimate of the Statistical Service, the HPI for the first quarter of 2024 amounts to 111,53 units. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, the HPI increased by 1,4% while compared to the Index of the corresponding quarter of 2023, the Index increased by 1,1%.The fluctuation of the Index for the period between the first quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 as well as the quarterly and annual percentage changes are presented in the followin...

04-07-2024 14:01

Consumer Price Index (CPI): June 2024

 Inflation 2,9% In June 2024, the Consumer Price Index decreased by 0,12 units and reached 117,72 units compared to 117,84 units in May 2024. In June 2024, the inflation increased by 2,9%. (Table 1) For the period January-June 2024, the CPI increased by 2,1% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. (Table 1)  As regards the economic origin, the largest positive change when compared to the index of June 2023 was recorded in Electricity (9,5%) and Petroleum products (8,6%...
