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05-07-2018 14:57

Excavations at Politiko-Troullia, 2018

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces the completion of the 2018 archaeological investigations at the Bronze Age (ca. 2100-1850 B.C.) site of Politiko-Troullia, conducted under the direction of Dr Steven Falconer and Dr Patricia Fall, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA. Politiko-Troullia is situated approximately 25 km southwest of Nicosia, near Ayios Irakleidios Monastery, in the copper-bearing foothills of the Troodos Mountains. B...

05-07-2018 13:58

Excavations at Pyla-Koutsopetria, 2018

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces that, the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project (PKAP) completed its 14th season on 8 June 2018 under the direction of Dr. Brandon R. Olson of Metropolitan State University of Denver, Dr. Tom Landvatter of Reed College, and Dr. R. Scott Moore of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.The original goal of the project, which began in 2004, was to produce a comprehensive study of the coastal plain in th...

05-07-2018 13:05

Consumer price index: June 2018

Inflation 2,3%In June 2018, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 0,53 units to 101,49 units compared to 100,96 units in May 2018. Compared to June 2017, the CPI is increased by 2,3% while for the period January - June 2018, the CPI is increased by 0,3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. (Table 1)In the twelve-month period from July 2017 to June 2018, in comparison to the period from July 2016 to June 2017, the annual average rate of change of the CPI remained ...

05-07-2018 12:36

Results of the Services and Transport Survey 2016

According to the results of the Services and Transport Survey, the tertiary sector of the economy registered in 2016 a positive growth rate compared to 2015.In particular, production value showed an increase of 8,6% in transportation and storage (sector H), 11,9% in accommodation and food service activities (sector I), 16,2% in information and communication (sector J), 22,4% in real estate activities (sector L), 9,3% in professional, scientific and technical activities (sector M) and 9,7% in...

05-07-2018 09:53

Review of the 8th Periodic Report of Cyprus on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, in Geneva

Τhe 8th Periodic Report of Cyprus concerning the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was presented on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, at the UN Office in Geneva, in the framework of the 70th session of the homonymous Committee. Introducing the Report, Law Commissioner, Ms Leda Koursoumba, Head of the Cyprus delegation, outlined the relevant National Action Plans, Strategies and legislation that had been elaborated and im...

05-07-2018 09:34

Funding of Development Projects for Feature Films by the South Eastern Europe Cinema Network (SEE)

The Ministry of Education and Culture announces that the South Eastern European Cinema Network (SEE) launches a contest between its member states for the funding of Development Projects for Feature Films. In its next meeting, to be held this coming October 2018, the Network will examine the submitted proposals and select the best among them to be funded.SELECTION CRITERIAFeature films with a minimum running time of 70 minutes and aimed at theatrical release are accepted for examination. Th...

04-07-2018 12:45

Registered unemployed: June 2018

The unemployed persons, registered at the District Labour Offices on the last day of June 2018, reached 23.808 persons. Based on the seasonally adjusted data that show the trend of unemployment, the number of registered unemployed for June 2018 decreased to 26.844 persons in comparison to 27.387 in the previous month. (Table 1)In comparison with June 2017, a decrease of 6.769 persons or 22,1% was recorded which was mainly observed in the sectors of trade (a decrease of 1.206 unemployed perso...

04-07-2018 09:45

Presentation of Credentials of the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Canada

The new High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Canada, Mr Vassilis Philippou, presented his credentials on 29 June 2018 to the Right Honourable Governor General of Canada, Ms Julie Payette.Presenting his credentials, Mr Philippou conveyed to the Governor General of Canada the warm greetings and wishes of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nicos Anastasiades and the Cypriot people.In a private meeting, the High Commissioner, expressed his gratitude to the Governor General an...

03-07-2018 14:20

Results of the survey on industrial production 2016

According to the results of the survey on Industrial Production 2016, employment in the broad industrial sector increased in 2016 by 4,5% to 33,5 thousand compared to 32,1 thousand in 2015. In manufacturing employment reached 29,3 thousand, in mining and quarrying 0,4 thousand, in electricity supply 2,1 thousand and in water supply, sewerage and waste management 1,7 thousand persons.  In the whole of the industrial sector, production value at current prices recorded an increase of 2,6% to ...

02-07-2018 15:00

Winners of the PIO's Creative Communication Competition to be honored on July 5

The Creative Communication Competition on the subject: “Healthy Living”, organized by the Press and Information Office (PIO) in collaboration with seven universities in Cyprus has been successfully concluded.The three winners will be awarded by artist Theodoulos Gregoriou at a special event to be held on July 5, 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Strovolos Cultural Center, with the support of the Municipality of Strovolos.The First Lady, Andri Anastasiades, the Government Spokesman, Mr Prodromos Prodr...
