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31-03-2020 12:09

Ministerial Council decision increases to €300 the fine for violators of the Quarantine Law

Statement by the Minister of Justice and Public Order, Mr. George Savvides

Today, the Council of Ministers approved a bill by the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, which amends the amount of extrajudicial penalty that may be imposed on persons in violation of decrees of the Minister of Health, under the Quarantine Law, raising the fine to 300 Euros from 150 Euros.

The extrajudicial fine of 300 Euros will be issued as at present, in most cases and to all those who act in contravention of the decrees, be it on prohibition of unnecessary movement or any other infringement.

I would note again that it remains possible, if it is considered appropriate by law enforcement officers, not to impose an extrajudicial fine and to choose for a criminal case to be filed in court, which may impose prison sentences of up to six months and / or a fine much greater than the extrajudicial fine, which can be up to 3,000 Euros. This procedure will be selected in the most serious cases.

I would also point out that, despite the limitation of cases before the courts, the cases of violation of the Quarantine Law are within the cases which, according to the present practice of the courts, can be registered and can be heard immediately. This has already been demonstrated, with the recent registration and adjudication of two cases by the Paphos District Court.

Unfortunately, there are fellow citizens amongst us who disobey the law. That is why the increase in extrajudicial penalties was unfortunately deemed necessary, as one of the measures that we believe will help correct the behavior of those few who, through their actions, undermine the conscious effort of the majority of citizens who respect, comply with and implement the decrees of the Minister of Health; for this I wish to congratulate them.

It must be understood by all that the slightest negligence is enough to spread the virus and demolish what was built by compliant citizens, health professionals, the Government, in the blink of an eye. I believe that no one wants our country to experience situations similar to those, unfortunately, experienced by other states.

Complying is not optional. Covid-19 hits indiscriminately, all ages; any one of us can become a carrier of the virus, regardless of whether symptoms develop. Let’s help health professionals in their work. Let’s also assist the Police in their work. I call upon citizens, once again, to comply with the Decrees. Let’s show our love for our families and loved ones by staying home. This is the only way we protect those we love. This is the only way we will succeed.
