08-06-2020 21:14
Gradual lift of restrictive measures on flights to and from the Airports of Larnaka and Pafos
As already announced the gradual lift of restrictive measures on flights to and from the Airports of Larnaka and Pafos will be implemented in two stages:
STAGE A – 9 June – 19 June 2020
STAGE B – 20 June 2020
Countries will be categorized by the Minister of Health depending on their epidemiological profile into categories A and B.
Included in Category C will be those countries not falling into categories A and B. The Ministry of Health is continuing the evaluation of countries and the categorization of Countries would be modified continuously on the basis of epidemiological criteria.
The restoration of free movement of persons between the Republic of Cyprus and other Countries and the lifting of restrictions on the implementation of flights will be a gradual process carried out in a coordinated way.
The primary requirement for the resumption of flights has been all along the epidemiological situation with complementary measures, such as the requirements for health safety in various circulation points within the airports, in order to mitigate health risks. The measures are flexible so as to allow for the re-introduction of some of them in case this is made necessary by the epidemiological situation or to allow for the fastest lifting of others.
The deadline for completing the entire procedure of the lifting of restrictive measures will also be affected by the compliance of citizens, who move in the airports of the Republic. All of the stages will be based on the evaluation of the developing situation and on the constant monitoring of epidemiological criteria.
In Stage 1, for passengers wishing to travel to the Republic of Cyprus from countries of Categories A and B, the following will be required:
a)The passenger should have undertaken a laboratory test by a recognized laboratory at least 72 hours before his/her departure and they must carry a Certificate showing a negative PCR for the COVID-19.
b)The passenger should have completed certain information data and made solemn declarations.
The following categories of passengers:
1) Cypriot citizens, their alien spouses and under-age children,
2) Persons residing lawfully in the Republic,
3) Persons allowed to enter the Republic under the Vienna Convention,
4) Persons regardless of nationality, who may enter Cyprus following a special permit by the Republic of Cyprus,
5) Persons irrespective of nationality, who can show, following the relevant announcement by the Health Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus, that the authorities of the country (Category A or B) in which they reside do not provide a service for laboratory testing, would alternatively be afforded the possibility of carrying out the laboratory examination upon their arrival in Cyprus, undertaking the cost of the laboratory testing themselves amounting to 60 euros. In this case and until the announcement of the result, they shall remain in self-isolation at home or in their place of residence.
Flights to and from the Republic of Cyprus are forbidden for those countries not included in the two Categories A and B during the first phase of gradual resumption of flights (09/06/2020 – 19/06/2020).
Flights would only be allowed if they concern cargo, flights to Cyprus without passengers, in order to transport persons who wish to leave the Republic of Cyprus, as well as flights to the Republic of Cyprus for humanitarian reasons (humanitarian/ambulance/repatriation flights) or other individual flights in cases of emergency, which flights would only be allowed by special permit of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works.
In addition, only the following categories of passengers shall be entitled to travel to the Republic of Cyprus from Category C countries:
1) Cypriot citizens permanently residing in Cyprus, their alien spouses and under-age children,
2) Persons residing lawfully in the Republic,
3) Persons entitled to enter the Republic under the Vienna Convention,
4) Persons irrespective of nationality, who may enter the Republic of Cyprus by special permit from the Republic of Cyprus.
The above mentioned categories of passengers (numbers 1-1) shall undergo laboratory testing for the COVID-19 upon entering the Republic of Cyprus, with the Republic paying for the cost of the laboratory examination, and they shall remain at a place designated by the Republic of Cyprus, with the cost, inclusive of transportation, being paid for by the Republic of Cyprus, for one day or for such period of time as required for the results of the laboratory examination to come out and thereafter, whether the result is positive or negative, they shall become self-isolated for 14 days at their home, in accordance with the instructions and the measures of prevention and self-protection of the Ministry of Health.
The above mentioned categories of passengers (numbers 3-4) have the possibility:
During Stage B, which starts on 20 June 2020, passengers coming from Category A countries would not be required to present a laboratory examination certificate, save only to fill out information data and make Solemn Declarations.
For passengers coming from Category B countries the same thing would apply as it did during the first stage (09/06/2020-19/06/2020), i.e. it would be required:
In addition, the following categories of passengers:
1) Cypriot citizens, their alien spouses and under-age children,
2) Persons residing lawfully in the Republic,
3) Persons allowed to enter the Republic under the Vienna Convention,
4) Persons regardless of nationality, who may enter Cyprus following a special permit by the Republic of Cyprus,
5) Persons irrespective of nationality, who can show, following the relevant announcement by the Health Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus, that the authorities of the country (Category A or B) in which they reside do not provide a service for laboratory testing, would alternatively be afforded again the possibility as in Stage A of carrying out the laboratory examination upon their arrival in Cyprus and undertaking the cost of the laboratory testing themselves amounting to 60 euros. In this case and until the announcement of the result, they shall remain in self-isolation at home or in their place of residence.
For those countries not included in the two Categories A and B during the second stage of gradual resumption of flights (20/6/2020), flights to and from the Republic of Cyprus will be allowed.
Nevertheless, as in the first stage of the gradual resumption of flights, only the following categories of passengers shall be allowed to travel to the Republic of Cyprus:
1) Cypriot citizens, their alien spouses and under-age children,
2) Persons residing lawfully in the Republic,
3) Persons allowed to enter the Republic under the Vienna Convention,
4) Persons regardless of nationality, who may enter Cyprus following a special permit by the Republic of Cyprus.
The only modification compared to the first stage is that all the categories of passengers (numbers 1-2) will have to cover the cost of the laboratory examination themselves, amounting to 60 euros, if they choose to undergo the laboratory test upon their arrival in the Republic of Cyprus.
In order to facilitate both the passengers and the airline companies, an electronic platform has been set up, through which those passengers wishing to travel to the Republic of Cyprus should submit in advance all the required information and documents (such as health certificate for the COVID-19, declarations etc.)
The use of the electronic platform CyprusFlightPass is compulsory for all who wish to visit Cyprus. In order for the departure of their flight to be made possible from the airport abroad to the Republic of Cyprus, the presentation of an electronic approval by the Republic of Cyprus would be required, which is granted through the platform.
In the initial phase it will also be allowed for passengers over 65 years of age, especially those who are not familiar with the electronic media or passengers who, for any good reason, cannot fill out the necessary documents on the electronic platform or in cases where the electronic platform of the Republic is temporarily not available due to technical problems or scheduled maintenance, to complete the necessary documents by hand using printed forms, which would be available in the platform CyprusFlightsPass.
The electronic platform (https://www.cyprusflightpass.gov.cy) will be available via the internet and accessible through any mobile device, coming into effect on Tuesday, 9 June 2020.
The electronic platform CyprusFlightPass will also provide the following:
Information Material in relation to the services of the platform and the requirements that must be met in order to obtain the required approval
Quick Check by the passenger allowing him/her to know whether they satisfy the requirements for travelling to Cyprus
Passenger Service:
Setting up of a personal account and user profile
Submission of details and uploading of the required negative health certificate for the COVID-19
Checking, approval/rejection of the request and sending of the necessary receipt to the passenger via email.
( DC )
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