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05-11-2020 15:46

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of Finland

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of Finland, Mr Harri Maki-Reinikka, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday, 5 November 2020.

Presenting his credentials, Mr Maki-Reinikka, speaking in English, said:

“Your Excellency, Mr President,

Allow me to present the Letter of Credence by which H.E. the President Sauli Niinistö appointed me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland to the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the letter of recall of my predecessor.

Representing Finland in Cyprus is both an honor and a privilege. I am grateful for the opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our countries and people, advancing peace, prosperity and stability in the region where Cyprus is so centrally located.

As an EU member state, friend, and partner of Cyprus, Finland continues to support international efforts for a viable and peaceful solution to the Cyprus issue based on the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. At the same time, the resumption of talks and negotiations are of great importance and the leading way towards the reunification of Cyprus as a bi-zonal and bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant Security Council resolutions.

Geographical distance between Cyprus and Finland is relatively long, but practically much closer than we think. Our diplomatic relations – established almost 60 years ago on 2.9.1961 – are the basis of long-lasting ties in many fields. Finland has taken part to several efforts and processes in trying to achieve a solution to the Cyprus problem. The Finnish UN battalion served as a part of UNFICYP peacekeeping operations in Cyprus between 1964 -1977 and even further to 2005. More than 10000 Finns served on the island all together. Several hundred thousand Finnish tourists have visited your beautiful island in the past and more is to come when the coronavirus is crushed.

The world is facing a huge health crisis. The world’s economy and companies are suffering of unprecedented disruptions because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU Member States are preparing national plans to use the EU recovery funding. New green and sustainable investments, technology and digital transformation, research and innovations are the driving force to strengthen the resilience of our countries against this crisis and future challenges.

The European Union has a big role in leading the way and ensuring that our countries are getting through this.

As I assume the role of Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus, I would like to express my commitment to promoting the cooperation and, already existing, good relations between our countries at all levels during my years in Cyprus.

Thank you, Mr President”.

Receiving the credentials, the President of the Republic said:

“It is with distinct pleasure and sincere feelings of friendship that I receive today your Letters of Credence, appointing you as the new Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Cyprus. I would like to assure you that my Government will provide you with every assistance in the performance of your high duties.

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Cyprus and Finland, our bilateral relations have developed smoothly, based on strong bonds of friendship and mutual respect. As partners in the family of the European Union, we share common values and work together to address common challenges, recognizing that our future is interweaved.

I am confident that during your tenure, we will work constructively together so as to deepen our cooperation even further and extend it into new areas of mutual interest, in particular within the framework of the European Union.

The Cyprus economy, as all economies around the globe, is currently facing significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Government responded swiftly, focusing primarily on the control of infection rates and the strengthening of our health care system. In this regard, we have adopted specific policies and measures in order to support employment and businesses, aiming to gradually return to recovery paths.

In fact, Cyprus adopted one of the most comprehensive fiscal support packages in the EU, without risking the long term sustainability of public finances. The Government was able to do so, because over the past few years we had accumulated the necessary fiscal buffers that could be used in emergency cases such as the current public health crisis.

As regards the outlook of the economy, we expect a contraction of real GDP of about 5.5% during 2020, with services and tourism being most affected. Despite this, the forecasts for 2021 suggest a significant rebound of the economy of about +4.5%. The Government's broader strategy for economic recovery includes the sustainable management of public finances, the promotion of key structural reforms and the reduction of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs).

Cyprus greatly appreciates Finland’s support and important role over the decades towards our efforts to reach a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem, as well as the Finnish contribution to maintaining peace and security in Cyprus, with the participation of 10,000 peacekeepers in UNFICYP during the years 1964-2015.

A solution that will first and foremost address the aspiration of the people of Cyprus for a free, sovereign, integral and independent State able to ensure peace and prosperity for its people and to contribute to cooperation and stability in the wider region.

As regards the prospects for a solution to the Cyprus problem, we have repeatedly expressed our readiness to resume negotiations from where they were left off in Crans Montana. However, Turkey’s illegal actions within our maritime zones run contrary to the necessity of having a good and positive climate that will enable the resumption of the negotiating process under the auspices of the United Nations. These Turkish actions have been strongly condemned by the international community and the EU, since they infringe upon the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and do not comply with International Law, particularly with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the principles of good neighbourly relations.

Apart from escalating tensions in our turbulent region, the illegal and provocative actions by Turkey not only adversely affect our efforts to resume the peace process but they leave no room for bringing about the necessary conditions for all parties to engage in a results-oriented dialogue. We do hope that Turkey will finally chose to adopt a more pragmatic and constructive approach and abide by International Law.

Moreover, we are gravely concerned by Turkey’s decision to open the fenced area of Varosha, in contravention of the UN Security Council resolutions, in particular 550 (1984) and 789 (1992), despite the efforts of the international community, calling upon Turkey to reverse this course of action and abide by the relevant UN resolutions which call for the return and resettlement of Varosha by its rightful and lawful inhabitants.

To this end, we certainly rely on Finland’s support to impress upon Turkey the necessity to cease its illegal actions and intimidation in order to create the necessary conditions for a peace process to be conducted in good faith and to have realistic prospects for success.

In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request that you convey to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Finland, Mr Sauli Niinistö, as well as to the friendly people of Finland, my warmest greetings and a message of sincere friendship and solidarity.

Ambassador Mäki-Reinikka, I warmly wish you a productive tenure in Cyprus and every success in the performance of your high duties, aimed at achieving greater mutual understanding and providing new impetus to the development of the relations between our two countries”.