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06-07-2024 09:22

Address by the President of the House of Representatives, Mrs Annita Demetriou, at the UCLan Cyprus graduation ceremony

Pattichion Amphitheatre, 5/07/24


Honorable Madam Rector of UCLan Cyprus University,

Honorable Chair of the Council,
Dear members of the academic community,
Dear students,
Dear parents,
Ladies and gentlemen,

"Education is the most powerful force you can use to change the world!", according to Nelson Mandela. And you are the yeast of change! 

Tonight we celebrate the end of a journey and the start of another. And we are here to point out that even the smallest step of progress, even the slightest effort, even a minimal contribution, personal or collective, is an achievement of life. It is an achievement that came with courage, perseverance and strength. It is – as it should be – a moment of pride and self-improvement. Because our goal is not to prove that we are better than others. But to become better than we were before. 

So what are we celebrating tonight? The graduation of creative and dedicated young scientists. The opening of new academic or professional horizons. The introduction to a new world, where graduates will utilize their knowledge and skills, aiming for a better future. 

This is a day of moral satisfaction, therefore, for the young graduates themselves, who successfully completed their studies at UCLan Cyprus University, but also for those who helped them reach this goal. 

The House of Representatives, being one of the pillars of our Democracy, placed under its auspices today's event, recognizing that education is the cornerstone of a healthy society. A society faithful to the ideals of freedom and democracy, faithful to the equality of all citizens, of all people, capable of respecting diversity and breaking down every stereotype. And it is with honor that I personally accepted, for one more year, the invitation to greet this ceremony, which symbolizes the culmination of an important journey for each and every one of you, a journey towards the conquest of knowledge. 

Dear graduates, dear graduates, 

From your first day at the university until today, I'm sure you faced many challenges, overcame obstacles, and worked hard. The academic path is never easy. Committed to your goal, with sacrifices - I'm sure - and countless hours of hard work, you ended up winners. 

"The root of education is bitter, but its fruit is sweet" according to the ancient Greek orator Isocrates. And today the result proves that your efforts really paid off. ''Fruits'' that you will be able to enjoy not only for you personally, but also for our entire society, as, as active citizens, you will work for collective progress and prosperity.

Today we celebrate not only the skills you developed and the knowledge you acquired, but we also celebrate the friendships you created, the life experiences you gained. UCLanCyprus is a place not only for education, but also for personal development and self-discovery. Each of you will now carry with you not only your degree, but also precious memories and values, which will guide your steps in the future. 

This future may seem uncertain and will certainly be full of challenges. As we all know, developments at the global level are historic, the world is changing at a rapid pace, social, economic and technological changes are also more than quick. And we are called to provide answers to questions and solutions to problems. Of course, the baton passes to you, who with your enthusiasm and positive energy, can lead and map out a better future. To be a positive force of change.

The frustration of many of you about the difficulties you face - I have to admit – is obvious and sometimes justified. As representatives of the Institutions we serve, we try to provide you the best conditions for your personal and professional development. But I know this is not enough. I am sure that you are ready to face whatever life throws at you, to overcome the obstacles that will surely come your way, adapt to new situations, innovate and excel.  And this is the power that we need, those tools and skills that will help you to contribute to the improvement of the political, economic and social life of our country. And I assure you that we are and will be by your side in all of this. 

The high-quality study programs with an emphasis on innovation and creativity, in the excellent facilities of the university, while offering a complete and exciting experience, create a highly successful combination that helps young men and women to develop their full potential. But behind every idea, every initiative, every movement are people.

Dear all,  

At this point I would like to express my gratitude to the professors and staff of the university, who passed on knowledge, who guided and supported our children, young men and women. Which contributed to the creation of ideas. In shaping today's graduates. A mix of personalities with critical thinking. 

We also owe a debt of gratitude to the parents and families who have stood by their children on this journey, offering unreserved love and support. 

Dear young men, dear young women, 

As you prepare to open the next chapter of your life, remember that your graduation is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey. You have the power to shape your future, the future of our society, our country. Not by abstaining but by participating in social events and democratic processes. 

We believe in you, we count on you. We are here to offer the best for you. Follow your dreams, trust yourself, believe in your power! And never forget the values and principles your university taught you! Warm congratulations and good luck to all of you! 

(The text as sent by the House of Representatives)