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17-12-2020 12:37

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of China

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of China, Mr Liu Yantao, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday, 17 December 2020.

Presenting his credentials, Mr Yantao, speaking in English, said:

“Your Excellency President Nicos Anastasiades,

I have the honour to present to you the Letter of Credence by which His Excellency the President of the People's Republic of China Mr Xi Jinping appoints me Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Cyprus.

First of all, I wish to convey cordial greetings from President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang to you and express, on behalf of the Government and people of China, best wishes to the Government and people of Cyprus.

Cyprus is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. The industrious, courageous, kind and wise Cypriot people have created a glorious world-renowned civilization and achieved remarkable progress in national development. In the past 60 years since its independence, Cyprus has grown from an island under colonial aggression into a strategic investment gateway connecting Europe, Asia and Africa, and a commercial hub in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Cypriot government and people have been overcoming the impact of the economic crisis, combating the COVID-19 pandemic with strong conviction and perseverance, while working hard for economic recovery and social progress, and actively contributing to safeguarding regional peace and stability and promoting regional cooperation. China is pleased to see the great achievements made by our Cypriot friends and sincerely wishes Cyprus a brighter future.

China and Cyprus are good brothers, friends, and partners of mutual trust and mutual benefit. Our two countries have consistently shown each other understanding and support on issues bearing on each other’s core interests and major concerns, and are both firmly committed to the “One China” and “One Cyprus” policy.

In recent years, China-Cyprus relations have made significant headways, with deepening political mutual trust and fruitful cooperation in various fields such as economy and trade, infrastructure, energy, communications, culture, education and tourism, as well as close coordination and collaboration in international affairs.

Your Excellency,

Your successful visit to China and participation in the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2019 opened a new chapter in our bilateral relations. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Cyprus diplomatic ties. China cherishes and values the development of a cordial China-Cyprus relationship, and is ready to work with Cyprus for a better future for our bilateral relations.

China closely follows the developments of the political process of Cyprus. We share the same position with Cyprus in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China unswervingly supports a comprehensive, fair and lasting settlement of the Cyprus problem in accordance with relevant UN Resolutions, and all efforts made by Cyprus in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity for the peaceful reunification of the country.

China opposes any unilateral provocations and actions that undermine the peace and stability of Cyprus and the region. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to play a constructive and coordinating role in facilitating the settlement of the Cyprus problem, UNFICYP’s mandate renewal, and the implementation of relevant UN Resolutions, to uphold fairness and justice for our Cypriot friends.

Mr President,

I am deeply honored by this noble mission to serve as the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Cyprus. I assure you that I will spare no effort to contribute to better mutual understanding of our two people and closer relations and friendship between our two countries. I am confident that I will have all-out assistance and full support from you and your Government as I assume my role.

May the Republic of Cyprus enjoy prosperity and its people well-being!

May the friendly relations and cooperation between China and Cyprus continue to grow in strength!

May Your Excellency enjoy good health!”

Receiving the credentials, the President said: 

“It is with distinct pleasure and sincere feelings of friendship that I receive today your Letters of Credence, appointing you as the new Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Cyprus. I would like to assure you that my Government and I personally will provide you with every assistance in the performance of your high duties and we look forward to working closely with you on further developing the bilateral relations between our two countries.

Among the most ancient civilizations of the world, Cyprus and China are two countries proud of their history and culture. China gave to the rest of the world its sophisticated civilisation, rich in the arts and sciences. Chinese philosophy, language and architectural traditional style are admired and respected all over the world.

Today it is an opportunity to reaffirm the excellent level of our bilateral relations. Despite the geographical distance that separates us, Cyprus and China enjoy traditional bonds of friendship, and share common characteristics, principles and interests. Since the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 1971, our two countries have significantly strengthened their bilateral ties, creating the conditions for a fruitful cooperation in the political, social and economic areas. This excellent level of relationship is further extended to people-to-people contacts and exchanges. Rest assured that this collaboration will continue to further expand in the future.

One of the new prospects for cooperation is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). We believe that this initiative, declared by the President Xi in 2013, is a valuable platform in bringing together people and nations from across Asia and Europe, promoting cooperation, peace and prosperity. BRI can become instrumental in our strategic partnership in a multitude of areas, based on full adherence to market rules and international norms, and mutually beneficial to both continents. 

Laying in the geostrategic location of the crossroads of three continents - Europe, Africa and Asia - and as an EU member state, Cyprus can provide an important advantage as regards the successful implementation of BRI across all areas of its wide-ranging connectivity, particularly in the energy field. In this specific aspect, I am particularly pleased to observe the participation of Chinese companies in the project of building the terminal for import of Liquefied Natural Gas in Cyprus.

At the same time, let me reiterate our continuous commitment to the One-China Policy, assuring you that we will remain a staunch supporter of the integrity, unity and sovereignty of China.

Furthermore, Cyprus, as a member of the European Union, will continue to support the enhancement of the relations between the EU and China on the political, economic and cultural level in a mutually beneficial manner. It is our belief that through active engagement of both EU and China, on issues of mutual concern, a fruitful cooperation can be achieved, towards our common efforts to address global challenges.


As regards the latest developments on the Cyprus problem, following the recent election of the new Turkish Cypriot leader, I immediately wrote a letter to the UN Secretary General through which I once again conveyed my readiness and determination to participate the soonest possible at a new initiative he might wish to undertake, based on the understanding reached with His Excellency and the leaders of the two communities on 25 November 2019 in Berlin (the six-point framework as presented at Crans Montana, the Joint Declaration of 11 February 2014 and the convergences reached during past negotiations).

Mr Guterres immediately responded through a similar letter addressed both to myself and Mr Tatar, with which he reiterated his readiness to continue his efforts towards resuming the negotiating process on the basis of the ongoing body of work, the mutual understanding achieved in Berlin and in line, of course, with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

At a first stage, his aim is to hold an informal 5+1 Conference at an appropriate stage, so as to assess whether the necessary conditions are in place to continue negotiations from where they were left off at Crans Montana. It is within this context that Ms Lute paid a visit to Cyprus on December and immediately thereafter to Athens.

In parallel to the above-mentioned, it is worth highlighting that, following my own initiative, on 3 November an informal meeting took place with Mr Tatar, during which we had the opportunity to hold an informal exchange of views on our vision for Cyprus and the prospect of resuming the process.

All these said, on our part and me personally, we hold the strong opinion that it would be essential to hold this informal Conference, for all sides, in the presence of the UN Secretary General, to finally clarify their views and objectives as regards:

(a)  The basis for the resumption of the process;

(b)  The climate which should underpin the resumption of the process;

(c)  The envisioned form of the settlement.

Nonetheless, it is highly disheartening when, at the very moment that the UN Secretary General informed of his readiness to prepare the ground for re-launching the negotiating process, Turkey responds with illegal and provocative actions either by the drilling operations within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus or with the opening of the fenced area of Varosha in clear violation of international law and the UN Security Council Resolutions 550 (1984) and 789 (1992), which call for the return and resettlement of the area by its rightful and lawful inhabitants. 

I do realise that you continue to keep the situation in Varosha under close watch, with the most recent episode being on 15 November, with the illegal visit of Mr Erdogan, accompanied by a large number of members of his cabinet and his government partner, the leader of the Nationalist Party in Turkey, in a, yet again, blatant disregard of the calls by the international community, the EU and the UN for Turkey to reverse its actions.

And I wish to be absolutely clear on this matter: As it is understandable, fully-fledged negotiations should be conducted on an equal-footing and nor under conditions of intimidation and threats, in accordance with international law and the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

In this respect, it would be impossible by anyone to expect that these conditions are fulfilled if any of the sides advocate solutions outside the UN established parameters or if Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side proceed with their plans for the full opening of the fenced area of Varosha, either under Turkish military control or Turkish Cypriot administration, or continue with the violation of our sovereign rights in our Exclusive Economic Zone.

That is why I once again urge your Government to exert every effort so as for Turkey to alter its intransigent stance, reverse its unilateral and provocative actions and work for the easing of tensions in a consistent and sustained manner so as to establish a climate that is conducive to facilitating the resumption of the process. Only then we will have realistic prospects for success.

For us, our path forward is clear: Both the current unacceptable status quo - with the ongoing illegal occupation of 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus following the Turkish military invasion and the violent displacement of 40% of our people - and any ideas that deviate from the established UN parameters, are neither viable nor sustainable.

Our vision and top priority remains none other than to reunify our island on the agreed basis of a bizonal and bicommunal federation as provided by UN Security Council Resolutions, in order to establish a truly independent and sovereign state, free from foreign dependencies, guarantees, the right of military intervention or the presence of foreign troops.

Before concluding, I would be amiss if I did not take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for your China’s steadfast support and principled position with regard to the Cyprus issue, taking also into account your country’s significant role in our efforts to reach a viable and lasting settlement as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council. We are also grateful for China’s support in relation to Turkey’s continued illegal drilling operations in the maritime zones of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as its escalating provocations on the ground, in particular the opening of the fenced area of Varosha.


Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Government and the people of China for its successful efforts in combating COVID-19, being one of the very few countries that have managed to put the pandemic under control. Allow me also to express our gratitude for your country’s invaluable assistance during the pandemic with the provision of masks and other medical equipment.

In concluding, let me assure you yet again of our strong commitment to further enhance the existing cooperation between Cyprus and China, creating new opportunities, for the mutual benefit of our countries and our people. I would also kindly request that you convey to His Excellency President Xi Jinping, as well as to the friendly people of China, our warmest greetings and a message of sincere friendship and solidarity.

Ambassador Yantao, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus and I wish you every success in your mission. I am confident that during your tenure we will work constructively together to further deepen the relations and cooperation between Cyprus and China”.