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06-02-2021 14:06

Remarks by the President of the Republic

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, today sent a message to Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots that if they really desire a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem then they should assist in satisfying primarily the demands of all Cypriots, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots alike, and not the claims of Turkey.

In his remarks to the media, following his meeting with the Foreign Minister of Slovenia, Mr Anze Logar, at his residence in Lemesos, President Anastasiades said that the meeting was held "in view of the upcoming Slovenian Presidency (of the EU) in the second half of the year. It was a dialogue that focused mainly on the EU’s obligations toward all EU member states, given especially that the Cyprus problem is passing through a crucial juncture."

He added that in addition to the visits by the British and the Slovenian Foreign Ministers, on Monday he will meet with the Prime Minister of Greece, and will possibly visit Israel next week, while the High Representative of the EU will also visit Cyprus within the next few days, "in order to consult together on how to utilize this great instance, given the UN Secretary-General’s intention to convene an informal meeting on the Cyprus problem for common ground to be found for the resumption of a productive dialogue.

A dialogue, the President added, "that will, I hope, lead toward permanent peace through the solution of the Cyprus problem which should always certainly be based on the principles of the UN and the EU, and always include rules that would provide for the functionality of the state within the framework of a bizonal bicommunal federation."

Asked as to the message he is sending to Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots, in view of the meeting that the UN SG intends to convene, the President of the Republic said that " the message I convey to all our interlocutors, is one and the same: Our determination and political will to participate, and indeed in an informal meeting without any preconditions. Of course, when the time for substantial dialogue arrives it is necessary to have an absolute concurrence with the UN rules so that the conditions for a productive dialogue are created.

Our message is, and I repeat it once again, our determination to participate not only simply in the informal meeting, but also in a substantial dialogue based on the communique of 25 November 2019 which set the parameters of the joint declaration of 11 February 2014, the convergences that were achieved until then, and the six parameters of the UN Secretary-General.

That is my message to Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side. If, in fact, they desire a peaceful solution and also have the sincere disposition to contribute so the conditions for a genuine coexistence with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots will exist, they must help so that the demands of all Cypriots, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, are satisfied, as a matter of priority and not the claims of Turkey."