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12-07-2024 20:51

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the reception hosted by the Ambassador of France on the occasion of the anniversary of Bastille Day

I am delighted to join you today, together with a number of Ministers, in celebrating la Fête Nationale Bastille Day, a defining milestone in French, European and world history. 

14th July 1789 marked the beginning of the French Revolution. Since then, throughout the years and across borders, it continues to shed a bright light, projecting in the world the values of liberty, equality and fraternity, the cornerstones of the French Republic. 

Bastille Day sparked the profound realisation in people’s minds and hearts that they could, for the first time, claim and attain their basic rights. Strive for freedom and democracy. 

These three words – Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité – echoed and reverberated throughout France and throughout the world. They encapsulate the basic but also essential, universal democratic principles. They constitute a light of inspiration, then, now and in the years to come. They are the founding pillars of the French Republic, and they are the building blocks of so many Democracies around the world. The message and symbolism of Bastille Day is universal. 

Today, we also come together to celebrate the values that form an integral part of the bond between France and Cyprus: human rights, rule of law, and democracy. Especially in these challenging times of regional conflicts, pressing global threats but also rising extremism, we are reminded that we can never take our value base for granted. It is actually our duty to come together and strive to safeguard and uphold them for our generation, and for the generation of our children and the generations to come. 

This auspicious occasion provides an opportunity to refer to the excellent level of our dynamic bilateral reltions, which have been fast evolving in recent years, as reflected in the Strategic Agenda signed in 2016. 

The depth and importance of our bilateral relations are proven concretely. Shortly after assuming office, one of my first visits abroad was to Paris in order to meet President Macron. Together we highlighted the dynamic and steady progress of French-Cypriot relations in recent years and common vision of advancing it further. 

Cyprus and France cooperate in a plethora of areas. The close and multifaceted nature of our cooperation includes the participation of “TOTAL” in the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Cyprus, a recognition of the role Cyprus and the region can play in Europe’s energy diversification and independence. 

We have methodically worked on the expansion of the French Cypriot School – we are very proud of this – also in Limassol since September 2022, and we have committed to our full membership to the International Organisation of “La Francophonie”. 

Additionally, France is one of our closest partners within the European Union (EU) and together we continue to take significant steps toward a more reinforced EU with strategic autonomy; towards a more geopolitical Union with a leading role in the world. A sovereign, geopolitical, and autonomous Europe is a shared vision between Cyprus and France. 

Moreover, a reflection of the strengthening and upgrading of our bilateral relations is the Agreement signed in September 2022 and ratified last April on cooperation during evacuation operations in the context of a crisis in the region of the Middle East through the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. The agreement demonstrates Cyprus’ role as a lighthouse of peace and stability in the turbulent region of the Eastern Mediterranean. 

This aforementioned role, as well as our moral obligation to act and offer assistance to our region, led to the Cyprus maritime corridor, providing the international community with a supplementary route for alleviating the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. Through the “Amalthea” Initiative, together with our partners, including of course France, we work on providing much needed humanitarian assistance to the civilians in Gaza. 

In this context, I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to President Macron for being one of the first to embrace and support the “Amalthea” Initiative when it was solely an idea, we put forward in an effort to fulfil a deep moral duty to our region. Actually, President Macron was the first to call a Conference in order to address the situation in Gaza in 2023. France played an integral role in operationalising the Cyprus maritime corridor and aptly assisted via its navy’s vessel transporting substantial amounts of humanitarian assistance to the Strip. 

In addition, a focal pillar of the bilateral cooperation between France and Cyprus is our strategic partnership in defence and security. Our nations engage in joint exercises, showcasing our readiness to address challenges in a time of significant geopolitical shifts, while France remains Cyprus’ primary provider of defence capabilities. 

Concurrently, Cyprus continues to receive French aircraft landings at Pafos Air Base, Larnaka and Pafos airports, and warship port calls to our facilities. In this regard, the presence of the “Charles de Gaulle” aircraft carrier almost yearly stands as a testament of our willingness for collaboration. During these times of turbulence, the enhancement of our security and defence partnership is a vital part of our constantly evolving policy, both on a regional and an EU level. 

On this occasion, I wish to reiterate Cyprus’ deep appreciation for France’s solidarity and constant support towards our efforts to reach a viable settlement of the Cyprus problem. I wish to reiterate that my main priority as President of the Republic of Cyprus remains the reunification of Cyprus, to end 50 years of division and occupation. 

In doing so, Cyprus will remain but also further evolve as a force of stability in this very important region. In this regard, I am working closely and intensely with the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy as we exert every possible effort to resume the talks from the point where they have been interrupted, in line with the only possible basis – the one outlined in the UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) that call for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, as defined in UNSCRs. 

Let me say that following the information that I received today, I remain confident that we are going to have posistive news soon, before the end of the year. 

France has proven time and again, and especially in times of uncertainty, to be a valuable and reliable friend. My presence here today also aims to express our gratitude for France’s steadfast role and principled positions. I have no doubt that this support will continue, and France will continue to be a solid partner in realising our vision of a reunified Cyprus for the benefit of all Cypriots and the region. 

At the same time, I wish to reassure our French friends that Cyprus will remain a strong and steadfast ally. Cyprus will continue to work toward further strengthening our ties with France, striving to achieve our shared goals for a more secure and stable Eastern Mediterranean and a stronger EU with a leading role in the world. 

In closing, I wish to thank you, Ambassador, dear Salina, for al that you have offered and be sure that your role has been instrumental in the substantial enhancement of our bilateral relations. We would be more than happy to see you again in Cyprus. 

With these thoughts, allow me to raise my glass to the prosperity of the French people and the further enhancement of our relations.