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16-02-2021 17:00

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Mr Vladimír Němec, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Presenting his credentials, Mr Vladimír Němec, speaking in English, said:

“Allow me to present to your hands the Letters of Credence by which H. E. the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman has appointed me to be the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Cyprus as well as the Letters of recall of my predecessor.

Mr. President,

The relations between our countries and their peoples enjoy rich history of faithful friendship and mutual respect. This deep feeling of goodwill represents a value which provides a solid base for the future cooperation. Our relations have always remained excellent, even though we, both of our countries, have had to go through difficult periods of international politics.

I want to assure you that I will do my best to develop and strengthen these relations. Exempli gratia, in the field of compatriot cooperation I would like to take advantage of the fact that many of your citizens have studied in my country and brought home wives who have become Cypriot citizens.

The Czech Republic exports medical products to Cyprus, among other things, and on the other hand, a number of Cypriot entrepreneurs operate in the Czech Republic, namely in the field of healthcare. At a time of pandemic, this cooperation is very important and I will support it with full force, as will the economic cooperation and trade between our countries. I firmly hope that we will emerge victorious from the current pandemic, which is causing enormous economic and also psychological damage. I especially wish it to the tourism sector, which is so important for your country. I believe that Czech tourists will be among the first to come back to beautiful Cyprus.

Mr. President,

Our relations are also based on the sharing of common values, strengthened by joint membership in the EU and a number of international organizations, including the human rights ones. These values and respect for them must be the firm and unequivocal basis for a just solution to the Cyprus issue. My country deems it important, that a comprehensive, lasting and just solution can be achieved in line with the relevant Security Council resolutions, in the conformity with the said values and international law.

Mr. President,

I am fully aware of the responsibility that has been placed upon me. I want to assure you that I will strive to develop and strengthen the excellent relations that exist between our two governments and our nations. I am convinced that, in this mission of mine, I will be able to count on the support of Your Excellency as well as of Your Government.  I am very much looking forward to start my job in favor of our countries.”

Receiving the credentials, the President said:

“It is with distinct pleasure that I receive today your Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Cyprus. I wish at the outset to extend my sincere congratulations for your appointment and my heartfelt wishes for every success in your important work. Rest assured that my Government, and I personally, will provide you with every assistance deemed necessary in the exercise of your high duties.

Cyprus and the Czech Republic have maintained over the years excellent bilateral relations based on mutual understanding and common principles, which is also attested by a broad institutional framework on a wide array of policy areas. It is my firm belief that the existing relations between our two countries will continue to expand and our cooperation will amplify in the years ahead for the mutual benefit of our people.

In this regard, special reference should be made to the steady number of Cypriot students who choose to enroll in universities in the Czech Republic, benefitting from the high quality and standards offered by the higher education system of your country, as well as the Czech tourists that choose to visit Cyprus every year creating indissoluble bonds of friendship between our people.

Having joined together the European Union in 2004, relations between our two countries have strengthened even further, offering us new opportunities for greater collaboration within our European family. Beyond any doubt, the current pandemic has demonstrated the need for closer coordination between us all in order to address more effectively a number of challenges that threaten our societies, institutions and economies.


As regards the latest developments on the Cyprus problem, I wish to reiterate my readiness to participate at the upcoming 5+1 informal meeting that the UN Secretary-General intends to convene. Seizing this opportunity, I want to make our position clear: the form of the envisioned settlement is none other than to establish a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, in line with the relevant UN Security Council Resolution and the values and principles upon the European Union is founded.

A settlement that leads to a truly independent and sovereign state, free from any third country dependencies, military troops and guarantees. A modern EU Member State, in accordance with international and European law, which will create true prospects of peaceful co-existence for all its citizens, Greek and Turkish Cypriots. 

At this critical juncture, we have conveyed to the UN Secretary-General – whose efforts I unreservedly support – that the framework for the resumption of talks should be based on the existing body of work, the mutual understanding reached between the leaders of the two communities and the UN Secretary-General in November 2019 in Berlin, the Joint Declaration of February 2014 and the six-point framework Mr. Guterres presented at the Conference for Cyprus at Crans Montana.

The participation of the EU in this process is crucial in view of Cyprus’ capacity as an EU member state and of the need for the solution to ensure a functional state within EU institutions. This is of utmost importance taking into account the EU’s significant role in ensuring and safeguarding the smooth and secure implementation of the provisions of a settlement, together with the UN.

At the same time, it also remains important that all stakeholders will work constructively towards the creation of conditions conducive for meaningful negotiations to take place in order to safeguard the prospects of a positive outcome. Having said that, it would be impossible by anyone to expect that these conditions are fulfilled if any of the sides advocate solutions outside the UN established parameters or if Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side proceed with their plans for the full opening of the fenced area of Varosha, in clear violation of international law and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, or continue with their illegal activities within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. In this regard, we hope that Turkey will finally adhere to the principles of International Law by ceasing any unlawful acts on the ground and at sea of the Republic of Cyprus, so as to avoid reaching a new catastrophic deadlock.

Before concluding, I would be amiss if I did not take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for your country’s principle stance on the Cyprus issue and your consistent support on our efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive settlement.

Ambassador Vladimír Němec,

In welcoming you to Cyprus, please accept my warmest wishes for every success in the performance of your high duties, as well as my kind request to convey to President Miloš Zeman and Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and to the friendly people of the Czech Republic, my warmest greetings and a message of friendship and solidarity.”