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16-02-2021 16:45

The President of the Republic received the credentials of the Ambassador of France

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received the credentials of the Ambassador of France, Ms Salina Grenet-Catalano, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

Presenting her credentials, Ms Grenet-Catalano, speaking in English, said:

“I have the honour to present today to Your Excellency the Letters of Credence by which His Excellency the President of the French Republic, Mr Emmanuel Macron, accredits me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the Letters of Recall of my predecessor.

Representing France in Cyprus is an honour, a privilege and a responsibility. You can be assured that I will devote myself to this mission with energy and determination, for the benefit of our two countries and the European family to which we belong. Cyprus and France are linked by a historic relation of friendship and trust. This relation has been extraordinarily strengthened and enriched in recent years. Throughout my mission, it will be my objective to make it grow further in all its dimensions: in the field of security and defence, two domains of excellence in our relations, but also in the economic, cultural and educational sectors where there are opportunities for further progress.

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, an EU Member State, a friendly country of Cyprus and of the Cypriots, regardless of the community to which they belong, France calls for the resumption of inter-Cypriot negotiations as soon as possible, under the parameters agreed in the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality. We therefore welcome the prospect of a “5+1” meeting in the coming weeks, hoping that this will be the starting point for a new process. To uphold the prospects for success, these negotiations shall require a strong political will but also compromise between the parties. France will stand, as it has always done, alongside our Cypriot friends to facilitate this process. A lasting and fair settlement of the Cyprus question is a guarantee of security, stability and prosperity for Cyprus, for Europe and for the entire Eastern Mediterranean region.

Cyprus and France share a common vision of issues and challenges to be taken up by the European Union and at the global level, whether it be the climate emergency, environmental protection, health, security, trade or digital issues, to name just a few current topics. We are already collaborating daily on all these topics. Within the European Union, our two countries will also be able to work together to consolidate a sovereign Europe, one that has the means to affirm its identity, a Europe that is stronger with more solidarity. The European recovery plan designed to overcome the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic is a concrete demonstration of European solidarity and the willingness of its members to face difficulties together. France, like Cyprus, is also committed to preserving our common values, which are at the roots of the European project, in particular the rule of law.

France is deeply committed to the respect of international maritime law, particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean, which should not be an area of competition but of cooperation. The President of the French Republic has reiterated this on numerous occasions in recent months. He has also expressed France's constant support and concrete solidarity with your country on this subject.

In the area of defence, a strategic link has been established between our two countries and our cooperation is now experiencing unprecedented developments. Under a defence agreement that came into force in 2020, our two armed forces exchange and organize joint naval and air exercises, which were recently expanded to include other European partners. We are very grateful to the Republic of Cyprus for hosting French aircrafts or ships, including the naval air group formed around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which frequently call in at Cypriot ports as part of their missions to preserve stability in the Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus and France both want a strong, sovereign and strategically autonomous Europe. We will work together to achieve this in the coming months. Despite the difficulties related to the health crisis, security cooperation between our two countries has also continued and will be further developed in the fight against illegal immigration and maritime security.

I hope that our economic and commercial relations will grow during my mission to reach this same level of excellence. Opportunities for new partnership exist in promising sectors that are crucial to our economies and for which French companies have internationally recognized expertise, such as tourism, digital technology, transports and renewable energies.

The friendship between our two countries is also due to our common membership in the Francophonie, a family that is constantly expanding as the number of French speakers will triple by 2050, offering French-speaking Cypriots new economic opportunities. Sharing a common language goes hand in hand with sharing the values and culture attached to it. I therefore welcome the choice made by the Cypriot authorities to maintain and develop the teaching of French in school. This choice will enable young Cypriots, for whom France is already the 7th host country for their higher education, to benefit even more from the excellence of French institutions. In this regard, we are delighted that more and more young French people, often within the framework of European programs, are choosing Cypriot universities for their higher education. France has supported the willingness of the Republic of Cyprus to become an associate member of the International Organization of the Francophonie. We would be very happy today if the Cypriot authorities decided to go further in their commitment to the Francophonie.

Inaugurated in September 2012, the flagship of our educational cooperation, the French-Cypriot School of Nicosia is a great success. Each year, the number of students attending the school increases by approximately 10%. In 2020, the school obtained the approval of its Lycée section by the French Agency for Education Abroad, a sign of recognition of the excellence of the curriculum offered from kindergarten to 12th grade. We hope to be able to give the opportunity of French education to other districts soon.

The foundation and heart of our cultural cooperation is our long-standing joint research work on four archaeological sites in Cyprus and this model of excellence needs to be further promoted at regional level.

In recent years, high-level bilateral contacts have been intensified due to numerous presidential and ministerial visits. Only in 2020 and despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, three important meetings have been held such as your visit, Mr. President, to France in July, the visit of the French Minister of Armed Forces and the visit of the Minister in charge of European Affairs to Cyprus in February and September respectively. These visits reflect our close ties and friendship.

In conclusion, Mr. President, allow me to convey to you, to the Government and to the people of Cyprus the warm wishes of friendship and prosperity that the President of the French Republic expresses to Your Excellency”.

Receiving the credentials, the President said:

“It is with distinct pleasure that I receive today your Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Cyprus. I wish at the outset to extend my sincere congratulations for your appointment, along with my warmest wishes for every success in your important mission. I would also like to assure you that my Government, and I personally, will provide you with every possible assistance in the performance of your high duties.

Cyprus and France maintain excellent bilateral relations based on mutual respect and shared values. Our cooperation is witnessing a dynamic and steady growth in recent years, as reflected in the Strategic Agenda we have signed in 2016. In particular, our cooperation has been greatly enhanced in the areas of security and defense, where our two countries constitute strategic partners, given the already long-standing cooperation at both political and operational level in the region. France’s vivid interest in safeguarding stability and security in the Eastern Mediterranean can be very well served through an even further enhanced cooperation between our two countries, which is already varied and multi-faced.

As close partners within the European Union, Cyprus and France have developed an excellent level of communication and cooperation in an effort to reach common goals, derived by the European agenda. I am certain that our countries will continue to work closely together in addressing jointly and effectively the challenges faced by our European family today. Beyond any doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for closer coordination between us all in order to mitigate the dire consequences of this crisis on our societies, health systems and economies.


As regards the latest developments on the Cyprus problem, I wish to reiterate my readiness to participate at the upcoming 5+1 informal meeting that the UN Secretary-General intends to convene. Seizing this opportunity, I want to make our position clear: the form of the envisioned settlement is none other than to establish a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, in line with the relevant UN Security Council Resolution and the values and principles upon the European Union is founded.

A settlement that leads to a truly independent and sovereign state, free from any third country dependencies, military troops and guarantees. A modern EU Member State, in accordance with international and European law, which will create true prospects of peaceful co-existence for all its citizens, Greek and Turkish Cypriots. 

At this critical juncture, we have conveyed to the UN Secretary-General – whose efforts I unreservedly support – that the framework for the resumption of talks should be based on the existing body of work, the mutual understanding reached between the leaders of the two communities and the UN Secretary-General in November 2019 in Berlin, the Joint Declaration of February 2014 and the six-point framework Mr. Guterres presented at the Conference for Cyprus at Crans Montana.

The participation of the EU in this process is crucial in view of Cyprus’ capacity as an EU member state and of the need for the solution to ensure a functional state within EU institutions. This is of utmost importance taking into account the EU’s significant role in ensuring and safeguarding the smooth and secure implementation of the provisions of a settlement, together with the UN. I also wish to highlight France’s important role as a Security-Council Permanent Member of the United Nations, in particular with regard to security issues and as I have already mentioned the implementation of the agreed solution.

At the same time, it also remains important that all stakeholders will work constructively towards the creation of conditions conducive for meaningful negotiations to take place in order to safeguard the prospects of a positive outcome. Having said that, it would be impossible by anyone to expect that these conditions are fulfilled if any of the sides advocate solutions outside the UN established parameters or if Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side proceed with their plans for the full opening of the fenced area of Varosha, in clear violation of international law and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, or continue with their illegal activities within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. In this regard, we hope that Turkey will finally adhere to the principles of International Law by ceasing any unlawful acts on the ground and at sea of the Republic of Cyprus, so as to avoid reaching a new catastrophic deadlock.

Before concluding, I would be amiss if I did not take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for your country’s principle stance on the Cyprus issue and your consistent support on our efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive settlement.


In closing, I wish to assure you once again of my Government’s full support in the discharge of your important duties and I would also kindly request that you convey to President Macron and the friendly people of France my warmest greetings and a message of friendship and solidarity.

Ambassador, Salina Grenet-Catalano I warmly welcome you to Cyprus.”