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01-10-2021 20:00

The President of the Republic addressed the people of Cyprus on the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus is today a modern, well-structured European state, that is financially robust, a state which through a network of interstate alliances constitutes a pillar of stability and peace, the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, said tonight, addressing the people of Cyprus in a televised message, on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus.

In his address, the President said, among other things, that ‘’ In continuing the efforts of my predecessors, from the moment I assumed my duties, I strived in every possible way and making use of all available possibilities, to reverse the present situation and achieve the reunification of our homeland.

To achieve a solution that will not leave behind winners or losers, that will respect the concerns and special characteristics of both communities, that will protect the fundamental freedoms, and will honour the human rights of all Cypriot citizens.

A solution that will be based on the High-Level Agreements, the United Nations resolutions, and the principles and values of the European Union. A solution that will not dissolve the Republic of Cyprus but through its evolution will lead to a federal system of governance, beyond anachronistic systems of guarantees or any form of dependence on third parties.

In order to avoid painful experiences of the past, what we seek out is the safeguarding of the functionality of the state which will guarantee an enduring and creative future for all legal citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

It is with these positions that I participated in the trilateral meeting convened by the UN Secretary-General, last week, in New York.

Unfortunately, for yet one more time, as so many times in the past, the intransigence and untrustworthiness of the Turkish and the Turkish Cypriot leadership were ascertained.

Their persistence in refusing to allow the talks to begin, unless prior separate sovereignty and equal status with the Republic of Cyprus was being recognized to them (to the illegal regime in Turkish occupied Cyprus).

Equally provocative was their backing away from everything that has been agreed upon following a proposal by the Secretary-General for the appointment of a Special Envoy.’’

Addressing the Turkish Cypriots, the President said that ‘’my respect for the Turkish Cypriot community is demonstrated by the policies of the Government toward the Turkish Cypriots, as well as by the proposals I submitted and submit in order for a solution to meet your concerns as well.

Extremist positions aiming at a two-state solution, with the partition of our homeland, are not and should not be the choice of any Cypriot patriot.

The European Union, a member of which is our common homeland, is the only one that can safeguard the peaceful coexistence, the respect for human rights, and the prospect for an enduring future for us and also for future generations.

After 61 years of life, I am proud because the Republic of Cyprus is today a modern, well-structured European state. A state that is financially robust, a state which through a network of interstate alliances constitutes a pillar of stability and peace.’’



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