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12-11-2021 18:30

The President of the Republic participated in the Conference on Libya in Paris

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, participated, today, in the International Conference on Libya in Paris at the invitation of the President of France, Mr Emmanuel Macron.

During his speech at the Conference, President Anastasiades noted that what is happening in Libya affects first and foremost the Libyan people, but at the same time, it also has a great impact on the neighbouring countries and regional stability.

The President of the Republic noted that since he, himself, comes from a country that faces similar problems of military interventions, violations of international law and neo-colonial approaches, he fully agrees with the will of the international community to work collectively, in order for the external interventions in Libya to be terminated immediately.

He added that it is also extremely important that there will be full compliance by third countries which are destabilizing factors, and full compliance with the resolutions and the decisions of the UN, such as keeping the arms sales embargo, as well as respect for the principles and values mandated by international law, the Law of the Sea and the UN Charter.

President Anastasiades added that a necessary prerequisite for achieving the much-desired stability in Libya is the withdrawal of all foreign troops and mercenaries from the country. Moreover, carrying out presidential and parliamentary elections, as scheduled, he said, is also crucial in order to allow a government with democratic legitimacy to work in the direction of preserving the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and welfare of Libya.

In concluding, the President said that the Republic of Cyprus, as a neighbouring Mediterranean country and member state of the European Union, remains committed to assisting, to the best of its abilities, in the fulfilment of the goals that are defined in the Joint Declaration of the International Conference of Paris on Libya, the implementation of will pave the way in order to allow the Libyan people to decide their future, free from external interventions.

Note: For the Declaration of the Paris International Conference for Libya by the Heads of States and Governments press here.