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13-02-2022 14:46

Statement to the Press by the Minister of Foreign Affairs after meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

It is with distinct pleasure that I welcome today in Nicosia my colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Highness Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud. I am even more pleased, Your Highness, to be receiving you and your delegation as my first guests after the assumption of my duties last month.

I would like to start by noting that, despite the short time elapsed since our countries have established diplomatic relations, our bilateral relations have come a long way and are acquired solid footing.

Today provided us we a good opportunity to review a number of bilateral issues and we agreed to pick up pace in concluding a comprehensive strategic framework of our partnership, in line with Vision 2030. Our meeting today aimed, among other things, to prepare the visit of President Anastasiades to the Kingdom, while we also discussed Saudi Arabia’s bid for hosting the “Expo 2030”, a very strong bid, which we view very favorably.

A large part of our discussions was dedicated to the latest developments in the Gulf region, whose stability and security are under increased threat from terrorist attacks. I have conveyed to my colleague our strong solidarity to the Government and people of Saudi Arabia and our categorical condemnation of the latest drone attack on Abha Airport. Such senseless terrorist acts against Saudi territory other close Gulf partners put civilian lives at risk and jeopardize the stability and security of the whole region.

As we stand firmly with our Saudi friends, we are talking a closer look on ways of pursuing accountability for such reprehensible behavior, in a manner that would bolster ongoing efforts for diplomatic progress on the Yemen file, which will give an end to the disastrous humanitarian tragedy in the country.

Saudi Arabia is one of the bulwarks of the Arab world and Cyprus is bound by geography and history to this part of the globe, so today’s agenda was more than prolific in substance. We have discussed the conflict in Syria, the prospects for the Middle East Peace Process and the severe difficulties of Lebanon, matters on which Saudi Arabia’s views carry a special gravitas.

During our meeting we have also had the chance to review the EU - Saudi relations, particularly in view of next week’s EU - GCC Council, which my colleague will co-chair. I wish to stress the importance Cyprus attaches to more and better coordination with our Gulf partners and the fact that we are strong advocates of a strategic approach to the EU - Saudi Arabia relations.

I have also had the opportunity to brief Minister al Saud on the latest developments on the Cyprus Issue. I presented him the confidence building measures we are proposing, in order to pave the way to the resumption of meaningful negotiations for the reunification of our country, according to the agreed framework. Your Highness, Saudi Arabia’s principled support speaks volumes and we know and appreciate that we have a friend in you.

In concluding, I wish, dear colleague, to once again offer you a warm welcome to Cyprus. I have no doubt that we will continue working closely as our strong partnership between our countries gathers all the more strategic value.

Thank you.