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02-03-2022 09:11

Joint Statement at the Conclusion of His Excellency the Cypriot President’s Visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In strengthening the growing bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Cyprus, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, paid an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday 28/7/1443 AH, corresponding to 1/3/2022.

Official talks were held between His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, and His Excellency the Cypriot President, during which they reviewed the whole spectrum of bilateral relations and ways to develop them, as well as enhancing and intensifying cooperation between the two countries in all fields. Moreover, views were exchanged regarding all current regional and international situations of common interest. 

The two sides expressed their satisfaction with the level of bilateral relations and stressed the importance of developing them in all fields to serve common interests and enhance mutual benefits. To this end the two sides reaffirmed their desire to work towards developing an Action Plan of strategic orientation and practical deliverables for further strengthening the excellent existing relations

His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, valued the support and endorsement of the Government of Cyprus for Riyadh candidature to host Expo 2030 in the elections scheduled for November 2023 during the General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions in Paris. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, praised the positive positions of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus towards issues of concern to the Kingdom.

On the economic level, both sides stressed the importance of increasing economic cooperation through enhancing and diversifying trade and investment exchange, and exploring opportunities offered by Saudi Vision 2030, and Cyprus Vision 2035, further outreach between private sectors in both countries in order to discuss and encourage trade and investment opportunities and translate them into concrete partnerships. 

Both sides also stressed on their government's strategic pursuit to create a fertile and motivating environment for investment in several sectors in both countries through launching several joint initiatives including in the field of culture, antiquities, food, medicine, digitalization, cyber security, and financial services.  The two sides also agreed on the importance of enhancing cooperation in civil aviation, maritime transport, air transport, and ports. 

The two sides agreed to explore areas of joint cooperation in a number of energy fields, including petrochemicals, energy efficiency, electricity, renewable energy, innovation, clean technologies for hydrocarbons, and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen, and to work on localizing the energy sector products and its related supply chains. In addition to developing projects related to these areas, to contribute to the sustainability of demand for the energy supply globally.

In this context, Cyprus welcomed the Kingdom's launch of the Saudi Green and the Middle East Green initiatives. Moreover, it expressed its support for the Kingdom's efforts in the field of climate change through the application of the Circular Carbon Economy approach. Likewise, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed the initiative of the Cypriot President to address climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The two sides expressed their aspiration to enhance cooperation in implementing these initiatives. In regard to climate change issues, both sides stressed the importance of adhering to the principles of the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and the need to develop and implement the climate agreements by focusing on emissions rather than sources.

They also stressed the importance of increasing the pace of cooperation in the field of tourism and development of tourism activities in the two countries, exploring the tourism potentials of each country, and promoting cooperation on sustainable tourism, for the benefits and development of the tourism sector.

Both sides agreed on the importance of increasing the exchange of visits between officials and its contributions in the development of bilateral relations, they also agreed on intensifying communications and cooperation between government officials and private sector in both countries with the aim of deepening and expanding bilateral partnerships and encouraging mutual investment. 

In the field of defense and security cooperation, the two sides agreed on the importance of continuing to develop military cooperation between them in a way that meets the interests of both sides in order to achieve security and stability in the region.

The two sides stressed the danger of the growing capabilities of terrorist and radical groups targeting countries in the region. They condemned the hostile actions and destabilizing behavior of security and stability by militias and terrorist organizations in the region, and countries that stand behind them and support them. And they stressed the importance of adhering to the principles of good neighborliness, and refraining from actions that pose a threat to the security and stability of the region.

The two sides also agreed on the threat of terrorist organization ISIS to the regional and global, and the importance of the role of the international coalition in fighting the terrorist organization ISIS. 

Moreover, they stressed the need to strengthen the international partnership to combat extremism and terrorism, reaffirmed that this dangerous phenomenon is not linked to any race, religion or country, and agreed to intensify cooperation in combating crime and international terrorism in all its forms. The two sides also commended the cooperation and coordination achieved in security and expressed their desire to strengthen those aspects in order to achieve security and stability for both countries.

They also reviewed relations of the EU with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of which Cyprus is a strong supporter, including of stepping up engagement in the context of the EU – GCC institutional framework, and affirmed the strategic merit of this crucial partnership.

The two sides also discussed views on the situation in their respective regions, political issues, crises in the Middle East region and international issues of common interest.

With regard to the Ukrainian crisis, the two sides stressed the importance of settling disputes by peaceful means, giving priority to dialogue and diplomatic solutions, and making all possible efforts to de-escalate and de-deteriorate the situation to restore security, stability and limiting the negative repercussions of this crisis. The two sides also affirmed their full support for all efforts aimed at de-escalation and solving conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.

The two sides stressed the importance of supporting the efforts aiming to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis based on the three references represented in the Gulf Initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, and relevant UN Security Council Resolution, including Resolution No. 2216.

The Cypriot side expressed its condemnation of the terrorist attacks with ballistic missiles and drones carried out by the terrorist Houthi militia against vital installations and civilian objects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The two sides welcomed the Security Council's issuance of Resolution No. 2624 listing the Houthi militia in Yemen as a terrorist group, adding it to the sanctions list and imposing an arms embargo on the entire Houthi militia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirmed its principled position on the Cyprus issue of the importance of resolving disputes through peaceful means and dialogue in accordance with the rules of the international law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

At the conclusion of the visit, the Cypriot President expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to the government and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the warm reception and hospitality he and his delegation had received and he extended an invitation to His Highness, the Crown Prince, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, to visit Cyprus.

His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense welcomed the invitation by his Excellency to visit the Republic of Cyprus, and expressed his best wishes for happiness and wellness to His Excellency, and for further progress and prosperity to the friendly Cypriot people.