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02-03-2022 08:10

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN, Ambassador Andreas Hadjichrysanthou, at the 11th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly

New York, 1 March 2022 

Fully subscribing to the statement of the European Union, my delegation adds its voice to the condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and reiterate our support to its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The Secretary General’s statements have been unequivocal: such actions are in direct conflict with the United Nations Charter. The use of force is the repudiation of the principles that every country in this Hall has committed to uphold.

Cyprus condemns any breach of international peace and security effected, through military action, by any state, against the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of another. 

As a small state, which relies for its security on the global rules-based order with the UN at its core - Cyprus is deeply concerned about the effectiveness of our system of collective security. We have cosponsored the resolution before us, mindful of the critical juncture for the future of the United Nations and the international order it established.

We deplore the human suffering and loss of life, as well as the massive displacement caused by the hostilities, a consequence of war that Cyprus is only too familiar with for nearly 50 years now. 

While we take note of the talks initiated yesterday between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and hope that diplomacy will prevail and lead to the peaceful resolution of this conflict, we stress the need for full compliance with International Humanitarian Law, for an immediate ceasefire, and for the withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukrainian territory.

We also reiterate the urgent need to reverse unlawful acts, including the recognition of the self-proclaimed independence of the separatist areas in eastern Ukraine.

Furthermore, deeply concerned about current level of nuclear threat, we fully support the remarks by the UN Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs that: “The raising of nuclear alert levels by the Russian Federation only increases the risk of catastrophic miscalculation. There are no victors with nuclear weapons. Only victims. Restraint, de-escalation and risk reduction are urgently required for the sake of all our security”.

In closing, Cyprus, as a victim itself of foreign invasion and ongoing occupation, stresses in the strongest possible terms that the situation in Ukraine constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and undermines the rules-based international order. There is only one way out: diplomacy; not war.

Thank you.