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10-05-2022 21:07

The President of the Republic hosted an official dinner hosted in honor of the Prime Minister of Croatia

The President of the Republic Mr Nicos Anastasiades hosted tonight an official dinner, at the Presidential Palace, in honor of the Prime Minister of Croatia Mr Andrej Plencović who is paying an official visit to Cyprus. 

Speaking at the dinner, President Anastasiades said that "it is with great pleasure that I warmly welcome you dear Andrej to Cyprus. I would like to extend our sincere wishes for a pleasant and productive stay, along with our heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your new-born baby boy Ivan. May the new member of your family be blessed with good health and happiness.  

This much anticipated visit, which I could characterise as a historic one since it constitutes the first ever official visit of a Croatian Prime Minister to Cyprus, not only reflects our joint commitment to build closer ties between our two countries, but it also comes at a significant milestone as next year we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.

I will not elaborate more on the promising potential of our bilateral cooperation since we will explore this in depth during our consultations tomorrow morning.

However, what I wish to reaffirm is the high importance that my Government and I personally attach to the further enhancement of our relationship, which draws its strength from a common adherence to democratic values and norms and a genuine friendship.

Prime Minister Plenković is a dedicated European, with whom I have a strong convergence of views, stemming from our pursuit to make the European Union stronger and more cohesive in an ever- changing international environment. 

A pursuit which is inevitably affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion. And as we continue to stand firm by Ukraine, almost three months later the situation still remains unpredictable.

The war in Ukraine is happening on European soil and inevitably, dear Andrej, Cypriots relive the trauma and tragedy caused by the Turkish war crimes in Cyprus.

As in the case of Ukraine as well, the so-called Turkish “peaceful operation” of 1974, resulted in the illegal occupation of 37% of Cyprus, and the death and displacement of tens of thousands of people.  

Having said that, I want to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation, dear Andrej, not only for Croatia’s principled stance on the Cyprus issue, but also for your continued personal interest and support in our efforts to reach a lasting and viable solution in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the EU acquis.

Before I conclude, please join me in a toast to the health and happiness of Prime Minister Plenković, as well as to the prosperity, progress and well-being of the friendly people of the Republic of Croatia.»

On his part, the Prime Minister of Croatia said, among other things, that with President Anastasiades «we have been friends for almost six years. I have learned a lot from Nicos, he is fantastic, his advocacy skills, his love for Cyprus and his determination to fight for the national interests.»

He added that President Anastasiades «with dignity, always with argument and decency defended the national interests of Cyprus.»

The Croatian Prime Minister said that Europe is a common destiny for Cyprus and Croatia and a common destiny for more than 450 million Europeans who share the same values, adding that Croats and Cypriots are linked with mare nostrum, the Mediterranean, the sea that links both countries in civilisations terms, in cultural terms and in historic terms. But also today, he added, in commercial, transport and energy terms.

«It is important to use this opportunity of the first official visit of a Croatian Prime Minister to Cyprus to put forward all the ideas and all the potential of our cooperation that I am sure will gain a new momentum after the visit,» he noted.

Prime Minister Plencović underlined that Cyprus and Croatia had a similar struggle for independence and to make their voice heard in the international community and this similarity gives a very easy way of understanding what is important for Cyprus.

He noted that «our principled position is respect for your sovereignty and for your territorial integrity,» adding that Croatia also had its territories occupied in the 90s, therefore «we  understand the pain and difficult moments that you are going through. Your situation is lasting for much longer unfortunately.»

He said that the situation in Croatia was resolved through negotiations, through the involvement of the United Nations and with a lot of political will, determination and ability, and that should be inspiring when it comes to similar situations.

«We would like to extend this knowhow to similar situations and one of them is the one you have here. And that is why we have always been by your side in the international fora, in the UN, in the debates and other international organisations fully supporting your positions because we understand them and they are in accordance with the values and the principles that we share.

I think today when we are all witnessing the incredible violation of international law and international order as we know it by Russia against Ukraine, when this war has triggered not only tremendous humanitarian tragedy for almost 30 million displaced Ukrainians within the country, for almost six million of them who are now refugees who had to flee for their lives in the neighbouring countries and across Europe, but also the unseen spike of energy prices that is reflecting the lives of our citizens and the very existence of our economies.»

He also referred to the Energy crises which hits everybody, as he said, noting that «no one safe from this situation and therefore we should work jointly on solutions that put together our national efforts and our joint European efforts, because a big problem requires big solutions, creative minds and a lot of cooperation. And Croatia and Cyprus have always been on the same side of supporting the best solutions for Europe, for our countries and our citizens.»

Concluding he thanked President Anastasiades for everything he has done for Cyprus and for Europe.