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23-07-2018 21:30

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, on the occasion of the opening of the Embassy of Japan

It is a pleasure, but above all a great honour to join you at the event of the opening of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Cyprus.

At the outset, I wish to yet again welcome Minister Nakane. His visit, in conjunction with tonight’s ceremony, is a testament of the qualitative upgrading we have been witnessing these past few years in the relationship between our two countries.

A relationship based on genuine friendship, shared values and interests, mutual respect and understanding and a joint resolve to further deepen our cooperation.

To this end, the opening of the Embassy of Japan undoubtedly marks a historic milestone.

And in warmly thanking the Government of Japan for this decision, I am extremely pleased to announce that the Republic of Cyprus, as a sign of reciprocity and tangible proof of our desire to widen our partnership, will also open an Embassy in Tokyo. The relevant political decision has already been taken and currently the necessary preparations are well underway in order for the Embassy to be fully operational by the end of the year. 

The above-mentioned developments on the one hand constitute an apt demonstration of the constantly evolving solid foundations of our cooperation and on the other hand confirm our common desire to fully take advantage of the mutually beneficial synergies we could embark upon.

In this respect, I wish to extend through you, Minister Nakane, an invitation to Prime Minister Abe to hold a state visit to  Cyprus; a visit that will, without doubt, facilitate and accelerate the expansion of our relationship and cooperation.

During the meeting I held earlier on with Minister Nakane, following his constructive consultations with Minister Christodoulides, we discussed the future perspectives and the promising potential of our partnership and we reaffirmed our commitment to the following:

  • To encourage more high-level exchanges and visits between officials from both governments, as well as increase people-to-people contacts, with the aim to strengthen our collaborations, both bilaterally and on the international scene.
  • To enhance our institutional framework of co-operation through exploring new areas of beneficial joint ventures, particularly in the areas of tourism, trade, investments, culture and merchant shipping.

I am confident that today’s signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between Cyprus and Japan on humanitarian issues (Memorandum of Co-Operation on reception, assistance and departure of Japanese evacuees in Cyprus, during an evacuation from crisis areas via Cyprus), will be just the beginning of various agreements to follow between our two countries in the near future.

It is no coincidence that I spoke of shared values and interests between our two countries, since these are based on our natural affiliation in respect to international law and the UN values and principles.

As such, I feel obliged to stress the gratitude of the Government and the people of Cyprus for Japan’s traditional principled stance as regards the efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement on the basis of the aforementioned values and principles.

At the same time, as it was expected, I had the opportunity to inform Minister Nakane of the meeting which took place earlier today with the UN Secretary – General’s special envoy.

A meeting during which I reiterated that we remain strongly committed to engage in a new dialogue within the framework set by the Secretary-General, with the same determination and goodwill we have demonstrated since the beginning of the negotiating process.

Within this context, I truly wish that both our Turkish Cypriots compatriots and Turkey will respond positively to the new prospect that is presented again upon us, taking into account in a comprehensive manner and, without being selective, the provisions set by the Secretary-General at the Conference in Crans Montana.

As a Member State of the European Union, Cyprus remains firmly committed in promoting closer cooperation between the EU and Japan, as well as providing valuable opportunities for the deepening of the Japanese political and economic engagement in Europe.

In this regard, we warmly welcome the Economic Partnership Agreement signed last week between the EU and Japan. An extremely important agreement, not only because it further institutionalizes EU – Japan relations, but also due to the fact that it constitutes a model of free, open and fair trade and investment rules, of which both Japan and the EU, including Cyprus, are to benefit from.

And I wish to reassure you dear Minister that Cyprus is, and will always be, a reliable partner to Japan within Europe and our immediate neighbourhood and we are ready to accommodate any initiatives or proposals in further advancing this strategic partnership with a country of significant leverage in regional and international affairs.

Despite this happy occasion, I feel obliged to express once more our sincere condolences and sympathies on behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus to the relatives of the victims of the devastating natural disaster that has hit Japan. 

 I would also like to commend the Japanese authorities and people for their courage, bravery and leadership under these demanding circumstances.

 I was also sadly informed about today’s incident regarding the health of the Ambassador of Japan. Please convey Mr Shinomiya to Ambassador Nakatsaguwa and his family my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

In closing, at this historic day in the relationship between Cyprus and Japan, I wish to yet again Minister Nakane emphasize my commitment and determination to continue working closely with you and the Government of Japan in order to explore new areas of potential cooperation, to the benefit of our countries and peoples.

I kindly request to also convey to dear Ambassador Nagatsugawa, my assurances, as I did when he presented his credentials, that my Government and I personally, are ready to provide every possible assistance in performing his duties so as for our relationship to rise to new levels.