12-11-2022 17:57
Exceptional Joint statement of Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus on the disembarkation of irregular migrants
Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus, as the countries of first entry into Europe, through the Central and Eastern Mediterranean route, are bearing the heaviest burden of the management of migratory flows in the Mediterranean, in full compliance with all international obligations and EU rules.
We have always strongly supported the need to develop a new European policy on migration and asylum, truly inspired by the principles of solidarity and responsibility, that would be equitably shared among all Member States.
On 10th June 2022, we approved a Political Declaration establishing a temporary and voluntary relocation mechanism, despite the fact that the MED 5 countries supported a mandatory relocation scheme. Unfortunately, the number of pledges for relocation made by participating Member States only represents a very small fraction of the actual number of irregular arrivals that we have received so far this year. Moreover, to date the mechanism has been slow on delivering on its stated goal of alleviating the burden that we, as front-line Member States, are constantly exposed to, as only a small number of relocations has been implemented so far. This is unfortunate and disappointing, especially at this point in time when our countries are increasingly faced with a migratory pressure that is putting a strain on our asylum and reception system.
Pending agreement on an effective, fair and permanent burden sharing mechanism, we cannot subscribe to the notion that countries of first entry are the only possible European landing spots for illegal immigrants, especially when this happens in an uncoordinated fashion based on the basis of a choice made by private vessels, acting in total autonomy from the competent state authorities.
We reiterate our position that the modus operandi of these private vessels is not in line with the spirit of the international legal framework concerning Search and Rescue Operations, which should be respected. Every State shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control over ships flying its flag.
With full respect to the competences of littoral states in accordance with international law, we consider that a serious discussion on how to better coordinate these operations in the Mediterranean, including by ensuring that all these private vessels respect the relevant international conventions and other applicable rules, and that all Flag States take responsibility in accordance with their international obligations, is urgent and necessary. We ask the European Commission and the Presidency to take the necessary steps to initiate this discussion.
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