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13-06-2023 16:26

Reply statement by the President of the Republic at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg – «This is Europe: Plenary debates with Leaders»

I am very encouraged by everything I have heard from your interventions. I would like to thank you very much for supporting our initiative for a more active, more substantial involvement of the European Union in the efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem. The message that is drawn from today’s discussion is this universal support and I hope that such conditions will soon be created that indeed, with the strong presence of the European Union, we will achieve the goal of relaunching the talks and resolving the Cyprus problem. I am also pleased that you are aware of the great challenges that Cyprus, and some other member states, of course, are facing regarding the issue of migration. It is an issue in which, as European Union, we cannot afford to fail. We will have to work collectively to address this problem and we will only address it if we touch upon the precise causes of the phenomenon of migration.

Madam President,

Having in mind the time constraint, let me, very briefly, very very briefly, touch on some issues raised by the interventions. First, on the issue of climate we view the environment as a valuable heritage that needs to be protected. My reference to oil and natural gas is because of the role that they can play as a bridge to reach the European Green Deal. That is why I stressed the importance of oil and gas. I want to mention something on the issue of missing persons. Sincerely, we appreciate the Parliament’s continuous interest in this humanitarian issue, as demonstrated also by the recent appointment of a new special rapporteur. The issue of the missing persons constitutes one of the most tragic aspects of the Turkish invasion and continuous occupation of my country. The families of the missing persons either Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots, are entitled to recover the remains of their loved ones and know the circumstances under which they went missing.

In conclusion, Madam President, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to emphasize, once again, the historical debt of all of us who are involved in public affairs. I am addressing all of you, here, at the heart of European democracy, I want to send the message that we have a historic duty to work together so that this edifice of peace and prosperity, our European family, that has been bequeathed to us, to our children, to the new generations becomes bigger, more mature and stronger. And I firmly believe that we can achieve this.

What I can say to you today, as an elected representative of the Cypriot people, is that I will exert every effort, as a member of the European Council, to achieve further integration of the European Union. I am a supporter, I strongly believe in the need for further integration and I will do everything possible on our part to achieve the development of the institutions with more common policies, and everything that will lead the European Union to become a protagonist at international level.

My vision of a more integrated Europe certainly passes through a reunited Cyprus. We are well aware that we cannot change geography, nor change or choose our neighbours. I am well aware of the difficulties in relation to the Cyprus problem, but, at the same time, my vision of an even stronger Europe passes through a reunited, strong Cyprus that will be an even more active member of the European Union.

It is for this reason that I want to conclude, building on my presence in the European Parliament, I want to send a message to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, who are citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, citizens of the European Union: Their future, as well as that of the Greek Cypriots, as well as that of Armenians, Latins and Maronites, of all the Cypriot people, passes through our common status as a member state of the European Union. And for me, as President of all Cypriots, my greatest achievement, my greatest legacy, will be to bequeath to our children a reunited Cyprus, a reunited state, which will be an even stronger partner in a stronger European Union.

Thank you very much.