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21-06-2023 20:07

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, on the occasion of the celebration for the Birthday of His Majesty King Charles III

I am very pleased to join you this evening in celebrating the Birthday of His Majesty King Charles the Third.

At the outset, allow me to express my sincere appreciation to our hosts, the British High Commissioner, Mr Irfan Siddiq, and Mrs Penelope Siddiq, for the invitation to attend this joyful event.

Tonight’s reception is an opportunity to pay tribute to the King’s devotion to the service of his country, and at the same time celebrate the steadfast people-to-people contacts and our mutually beneficial cooperation on a wide range of issues of common interest, both at the bilateral, as well as the multilateral level.

Cyprus and the United Kingdom share unique, deep-rooted ties. It is indeed a relationship like no other. Today we reflect upon this long-standing relationship, one that has a difficult past to reflect upon and address, while at the same time we look to a promising future, offering us the opportunity for further close collaboration.

UK-Cyprus relations are underpinned by our mutual support for democracy and peace, as well as by our shared values on the adherence to international law and the promotion and protection of fundamental freedoms and human rights. Our countries are staunch advocates of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. These principles include, among others, our common devotion to the respect of the rules-based order and to the absolute necessity of reaching agreements on international disputes by peaceful means so as to protect international peace, security and stability.

Today is also an opportunity to reiterate our common and unwavering dedication for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue, that will lead to a reunified Cyprus. A common dedication that is centered as well as firmly defined by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions in achieving a just, viable and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bicommunal, bizonal federation with a single sovereignty, single citizenship and single international personality, with political equality.

Allow me to underline, once more, that finding a viable solution to the Cyprus problem remains the highest priority of my tenure and I intend to make every possible effort to break the current deadlock and resume the negotiations. I will continue working tirelessly to achieve a comprehensive settlement that will lead to the reunification of Cyprus, the reunification of its people, its institutions and its economy. The support and solidarity of the United Kingdom to these efforts is essential and of great significance, particularly given its position as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council.

In the same context, we also believe that the EU should play a decisive and leading role in the efforts to resume and effectively assisting the UN-led negotiations and I have already discussed my proposal to this effect. Cyprus is an EU member state and the Cyprus question is a European issue and as such requires European answers. The EU is also the only international actor that can provide tangible incentives for all parties, through a gradual and mutually beneficial approach for all involved. I am convinced that a solution to the Cyprus problem, in line with the UN Security Council Resolutions, particularly at a time when international legality is under attack, will be beneficial not only for the security and prosperity of the island, but for Europe and the region as well.

The relations between our two countries extend far beyond our interaction on the Cyprus issue, covering a wide spectrum of policy areas. Our synergies in the fields of business, education, tourism, economy and commercial ties, shipping, technology, research and innovation, constitute an integral pillar of our bilateral cooperation.

In the same vein, I have no doubt that the recent entry into force of the arrangement between the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom relating to the non-military development in the British military bases is yet another important milestone to our bilateral agenda. It signifies the vital importance we both attach on safeguarding the prosperity of the current and future residents as well as property owners in general, in that area.

In the same manner, I am certain that the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Government of the United Kingdom, regarding the established bilateral strategic cooperation, can solidify even further our cooperation achieving new heights between our two countries.

Prior to concluding, allow me to highlight what I personally believe is the most dynamic aspect of our relations. The Government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus are immensely proud of the vivid Cypriot community in the UK, the largest community of Cypriots overseas. Our diaspora, permanently residing in the UK with more than three hundred thousand people, has been a vigorous and strong advocate of our relationship, and of the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem and reunite our country.

In closing, I wish to thank, once more, the High Commissioner and Mrs Siddiq for the invitation to join your celebrations and for their warm hospitality.