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21-07-2023 19:44

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the 7th Youth Summit of EYP Cyprus “Emerging from the past, refueling to the future: Embracing diversity”, in Pafos

It is with great pleasure that I join you this afternoon for the 7th Youth Summit of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Cyprus. At the outset, allow me to congratulate the organizers of the Summit, as well as the participants of the eight committees.

As the official Patron of the Long-Term Project of EYP Cyprus in 2023, titled - “Emerging from the past, refueling the future: embracing diversity” - I extend my best wishes for a successful Summit, filled with fruitful discussions that will contribute to increased awareness around a plethora of important issues that concern us all – as individuals and as Government. Youth – all of you – constitute the most vibrant section and the future of our society and that is one of the reasons I am here today.

As Government, we have an obligation to support and empower youth platforms that promote intercultural encounters, pluralism, accessibility, diversity, civil, social and political equality and that combat discrimination in all its forms. Above all, we ought to listen and consult with you, we need to form policies that address in a coherent way the needs of the future – of your future.

The EYP’s broad representation in 40 countries across Europe over the past 35 years is key in terms of outreach. Around 25,000 young people participate in more than 400 events annually across the European continent at local, national and international levels, while the alumni network is over 200,000 people. Since its foundation in 2006, the EYP Cyprus has succeeded in establishing the Annual National Conferences with hundreds of participants from both Cyprus and other European countries.

These are not just statistics; they point to the EYP’s prominent role in shedding light on the importance of youth and youth active participation and, also, on the vital mission it serves: that of inspiring and empowering the young generation to be well-informed, open-minded, responsible and active citizens.

More than 40 per cent of the world population is under the age of 25 and therefore youth forms the backbone of our societies. They are also the main agents of progress and engaged citizenship, holding tremendous potential for positive action and innovative solutions.

As a father of four, I have always been strongly aware of the special role our young population holds in every sector of daily life, from the education system, to the labor market, within the family and also the broader society.

Along the same vein, I believe that we have an obligation to actively and effectively promote the contribution of youth in key consultation processes and in the decision-making bodies.

I would therefore like to take the opportunity that my participation today offers to outline some of the Government’s priorities, both on youth empowerment as well as gender equality and diversity.

To start with, our governance program includes a distinct pillar dedicated to the young generation, with specific actions on how to strengthen the role of youth in Cyprus.

First and foremost, we have included actions to promote a tangible connection between the educational system and the labor market, aiming on developing the necessary skills for the citizens of tomorrow. In this context we also strive to create new business initiatives and opportunities for young people through the proposed Business Development Agency.

In addition, the national action plan for the European Year of Skills titled “Modern Professional Development for the green and digital transition” aims to train more than 100.000 people - including several categories of young people such as students and soldiers - by the end of 2024. Our strategy focuses on the strengthening of modern professional culture, the provision of socially targeted professional learning and the promotion of professional specialization and certification.

We also prioritize equal opportunities in living, education, accessibility to social health services and combating the existing stigma on mental health issues so as to guarantee that authorities treat young people as equals in terms of care, protection and treatment. This is particularly important in light of the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic was especially challenging for young people.

Furthermore, in light of the fact that youth participation is a central topic for youth policy within the European Union and a key priority in the European Union Youth Strategy in the period 2019 – 2027, we are also currently working on the formation of a youth digital platform that will facilitate direct communication with the Presidency. The voice of youth needs to be heard, and a core part of achieving this is that youth participate in democratic processes, in elections, so that they are represented and heard.

Emerging from the past and embracing diversity, as the title of this Summit suggests, means to challenge stereotypes, to combat inequality, to fight discrimination, and to advocate for inclusiveness and acceptance regardless of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, religious and political beliefs, ideologies and socio-economic status. This is key in forging a more inclusive society and I plan to appoint very soon an Advisor for the Promotion of Multiculturalism, Acceptance and Respect for Diversity.

Moreover, as a father of four girls, gender equality is very close to my heart. As the UN Secretary General has said, “achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is the unfinished business of our time and the greatest human rights challenge in our world”. Regrettably, even though women and girls represent half of the world’s population, we still have to address multiple forms of gender inequality so that women possess equal access and representation to politics, education, health, economy and the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. Undoubtedly, there is a considerable room for improvement in Cyprus, in Europe and around the globe.

Gender equality issues are high on the Government’s agenda and relevant policies are being implemented horizontally in all ministries and deputy ministries. Beyond the appointment of a Commissioner for Gender Equality, in the first week of March the Council of Ministers decided to appoint in each Ministry an official specifically responsible for promoting gender equality in their respective field, coordinated by the Commissioner. Moreover, the implementation of actions is underway, aiming at combating violence against women, reducing the pay gap, achieving gender balance in decision-making and promoting equal treatment in all spheres of life.

Fostering multicultural education is also of great importance for this Government and me personally. Multicultural awareness in education is vital for students as it encourages acceptance and pluralism, helping them to effectively tackle the unprecedented challenges of today’s rapidly interconnected world.

At the same time, I would like to underline the importance on adequate disability inclusion policies. The Government places particular emphasis on providing disability awareness and on encouraging employers to hire individuals with disabilities. Our aim is to adopt a holistic approach within the framework of a new National Strategy aiming to enhance the integration and well-being of persons with disabilities. This is why we fully endorse the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030 and the 7 flagship initiatives launched by the European Commission under the umbrella of achieving a European Union of Equality.

In closing, I wish to once again congratulate EYP Cyprus for their work in promoting civic and political engagement, social acceptance, equality and inclusion. Such platforms are a valuable asset for each Government that has set high on its agenda the respect of individual rights, fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and democracy.

The alignment of your platform aspirations with the objectives of the Presidency in the domain of establishing equality and embracing diversity in all spheres of human activity fills us with hope and optimism. While thanking you for granting me the opportunity to address tonight’s event as the official Patron of the 2023 EYP Cyprus Project, let me share with you my commitment to integrate diversity and inclusion to the policy-making procedures, with the aim of aiding people reaching their fullest potential regardless of race, religion, disability, gender and sexual orientation.

I wish you every success in your future endeavors. May this Summit be an inspiring and meaningful experience to all of you.