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06-08-2023 10:24

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the anti-occupation event at the Ammochostos Municipality Cultural Centre, in Deryneia, yesterday

It is with great emotion that I participate, once again this year, in this anti-occupation memorial event, especially dedicated to Ammochostos, which is organised by the occupied Municipality.

This year, I participate, for the first time, in the capacity of President of the Republic of Cyprus, and I confess, this the reason why the strong sense of responsibility prevails over any emotions and feelings. This responsibility is towards History, towards the residents of Ammochostos, towards those who have passed away and towards the new generation. Towards our homeland, which I have promised to serve from the highest office, with the sole aim to work the best interest of all Cypriots and the legitimate residents of Cyprus.

We are indebted primarily to our children, who may not have lived in Ammochostos, but nonetheless they know that it represents all those great and important quality that characterize our country: History, culture, faith, prospect, joy, hope.

Today’s event is a memorial event for the city of Ammochostos. The city that depicted, in the most convincing and vivid way, all that our country symbolizes:

The power of the sea that embraces it, the hope in the light that surrounds it, the love for all that is benevolent, through which its inhabitants have built and transformed it into a jewel, not only of Cyprus, but also of the Mediterranean.

Ammochostos, the Cosmopolitan Queen, whose reputation became a song, a poem, hope and vision. The city of worthy people, visionaries, fighters.

Every time I return to this event, I see and feel – I listened to the Mayor, I heard the children – the intensely charged climate, the feelings of bitterness and anger caused by the many years of illegal occupation and alienation. 49 years are completed this year, an unbearable burden. 

49 years of efforts, 49 years of expectations, 49 years of disappointments, an unjust historical reality that justifiably causes anger and sadness.

However, under no circumstance, can we compromise with the occupation and this state of anger and sadness. On the contrary, we become more committed and hardworking so that we, the generation born just before, and shortly after the brutal Turkish invasion, can be the one that will reunite and liberate our country.

It is in this context that, from the first day of assuming the office of President of the Republic, I have pointed out and I will not stop stating that the only way that exists for us is the path of progress, cooperation and peace, the path of intensifying every effort to break the deadlock and to resume the talks as soon as possible, in order to achieve the much-desired liberation, solution, and reunification of our country.

Despite the difficulties I am very familiar with, the disappointments, the challenges, despite the fact that the walls are undoubtably still high and there is a negative climate, the clear message that I want to send tonight is that we DO NOT compromise with the occupation, it is NOT the future we aspire for our children, we CAN NO longer tolerate the dividing lines – we want a reunited, European, free country.

For this reason, with pragmatism, determination, perseverance, without complicity, defeatism, and isolation, away from sterile and infertile so-called controversies, we further strengthen our efforts in an international reality which is constantly changing, as very aptly mentioned by the Mayor, and which is unknown whether it will bring new obstacles or opportunities. An international reality, which, as has aptly been said, we must know very well and adapt the means to achieve our unique aim, which is nothing other than the reunification of our country. 

Our concerns, our great concern over time, is the new fait accompli unfortunately being promoted daily. However, above all else, lies the desire for return and reunification, which has led us to take the initiative to restart the talks.

Both the Mayor, as well as the members of the Municipal Council, are frequently briefed on developments, and know that we are not prepared to sit idly and watch, because we know that we do not have the luxury of time to wait. And we have made this clear from the very first day of assuming our duties. Our aim is to activate important states and the international factor to the fullest extent, the United Nations and the European Union itself, as well as the institutions, knowing well the facts at an international level and utilizing the tools at our disposal, in order to achieve the end of the deadlock and the resumption of the talks. In this context, in the near future, the United Nations General Assembly and the October European Council in particular, are key milestones for the development of our effort.

Turkey’s provocative stance and its illegal actions in the city of Ammochostos are confronted by our determination and perseverance, which have a clear goal: through assertive realism, and away from any meaningless and counterproductive communication confrontations – from which I consciously choose to abstain – to create the conditions for the resumption of substantive talks, from the point they were interrupted in the summer of 2017.

Mr Mayor, friends, compatriots,

We will not compromise, we will not stop and we will not compromise with the occupation and its tragic consequences. We do not tolerate today’s unacceptable state of affairs and we do not remain idle in the effort to create new faits accomplis.

The constant sight of the flag of the pseudo-state on Pentadaktylos and the tragic image of the militarized city of Ammochostos constitute in themselves events that urge us to strive more for an end to the occupation and for reunification, which will be the only vindication of the struggles and sacrifices of our people and our ancestors. 

We are well aware that we must not allow the passage of time to create new faits accomplis, even more unfavourable for us, by further removing the prospect of a solution to the Cyprus problem, and in this context, we are utilizing every diplomatic means to achieve the desired solution.

We are working, I work intensively with my partners, and I want you to have no doubt about this, for a solution based on the relevant UN resolutions, compatible with the principles and values of the EU and the European acquis, a solution of a Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation, with political equality, as provided for by the relevant UN resolutions.

A functional and viable solution for a state with one sovereignty, one international personality and one citizenship, without occupying armies and guarantees.

Our vision, and we must be clear and united in this regard, is that Cyprus will once again become the free and reunited homeland of all, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins. Of all the legal residents of this country.

Today, in order to reply to what I have been asked earlier, I want to repeat my strong conviction, and also send a message to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, who are with us tonight and I thank them for their presence here – being present at an anti-occupational event means that you embrace the messages of an anti-occupation event and I would like to thank you warmly that you are with us tonight – the vast majority of whom, I am sure, desire the reunification and resolution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of the agreed framework:

Our message is that we are not fighting to “win”, but to bring justice for all, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, European citizens who do not need guarantors, do not need occupation troops and invasive rights in their future and in their lives, in their homeland.

We are not fighting a battle to have winners and losers in Cyprus, but to recognise the historical truth and restore the human rights and the basic freedoms of all and to be able to live, work, prosper, hope in Cyprus that will be free from dividing lines and barbed wire.

49 years after the tragic summer of 1974, a few meters from the city of Evagoras, with full awareness, not only of the responsibility, but also of the historical burden of the need to boldly break the deadlock and to make a new effort to solve the Cyprus problem, I repeat that the path for us has one and only direction.

I mentioned it in the past, I will repeat it today and as many times as necessary until the blessed time of reunification: Non-solution is not a solution, because we do not compromise with partition, because we know who is favoured by the passage of time and stagnation, because our agenda includes only the end of the occupation and the reunification of our homeland.

I am, therefore, absolutely convinced and I have no choice but to try to find a way out, even on the most difficult issues. Within the framework of our approach, which is recognised and supported by the international community, our goal is to create a mutually beneficial state of affairs for all those involved in the Cyprus problem. It is precisely for this reason that beyond the United Nations, in the context of which the negotiation process is taking place, we are now activating much more the European factor, the European institutions and strong EU states, also taking into account Ankara’s wishes for positive developments in the full spectrum of Euro-Turkish relations. And yes, I am ready to discuss such a perspective within the framework of the resumption of substantive talks to resolve the Cyprus problem, on the basis of the agreed framework and building on the convergences so far. I am here, determined to make bold, but beneficial decisions, disregarding any political cost. Decisions that will lead to the reunification of our country.

In addition to our readiness to discuss a positive agenda for Turkey within the framework of the Euro-Turkish relations, yes, Mr Mayor, I agree with the need for cooperation with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, who want the reunification of our country. And we do not agree only in words, but precisely, for this reason, I am in contact with organized and non-organized groups of Turkish Cypriots, and as a Government we are working on a series of measures exclusively addressed to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, which we will announce soon; measures that prove in practice that the Republic of Cyprus cares for all Cypriots, and is genuinely interested in the concerns of our Turkish Cypriot fellow citizens. 

Apart from what I mentioned before, and as a clear indication that our real concern and top priority is the solution of the Cyprus problem, our actions are not limited in our efforts to resume talks and resolve the Cyprus problem.

Following a consultation with the President of the Council for Reconstruction and Resettlement, a consolidated and updated study regarding the occupied city of Ammochostos, with emphasis on the fenced off area, is being prepared. A study, which is expected to be completed in September, and will include the specific actions needed to be taken immediately after the Cyprus problem is resolved, by the state, by the public sector, for the reconstruction and the resettlement in the region. This action proves in practice that, in addition to the efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem, we are working essentially for the next day of the solution. A study that we will share with the European Union, which had previously been involved in similar cases in other member states.

The success of a viable and functional solution that will truly reunite our country and our people will be – I firmly believe and will not stop repeating it – the success of all of us, the main component for a healthy and promising future for our children, in a modern European homeland, without barbed wires and armies of occupation.

We all ought to aim together towards achievement of this success, without any competition and fruitless conflicts between us. We shall not seek for winners and losers, we shall not seek for patriots and non-patriots. I am here and I have a responsibility, with full respect to any kind of criticism, to unite the Cypriot people. As long as there is no solution, we are all defeated; all Greek Cypriots and all Turkish Cypriots.

I therefore conclude by repeating something that I consider a prerequisite in our attempt to reunify our country. In order to achieve all that we envision, to achieve the end of the deadlock and the resumption of the talks that will lead us to the solution of the Cyprus problem, so that we can prevent any new faits accomplis, the existence of a solid internal front is an absolute prerequisite. Especially under the current, crucial circumstances.

We, especially the older ones, have experienced the disastrous consequences of internal division, of arguments and even public accusations, of unproductive conflicts that, unfortunately, served other purposes. With respect to any different approaches, the goal is common and can be none other than returning to Ammochostos, to our occupied homes, for a hopeful future for all our people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.