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13-10-2023 19:05

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency

As we come to the end of the 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, I am very pleased to join you and offer some closing remarks to what has been an exciting, very productive conference.

Let me start by saying that your presence here, and indeed mine, bear testament to our shared commitment to work closely together in shaping a sustainable energy future. I believe I echo our collective sentiment when I say I am proud of the discussions, collaborations and insights that have emerged over the past two days.

In this regard, I wish to express my appreciation to the organisers and to all speakers, panellists, participants. Your expertise, dedication and contribution have been invaluable in advancing our understanding of the energy transition challenges we face and in forging the path forward.

The Conference’s plenary sessions, workshops, and side events have covered a wide range of topics, from regional dynamics and innovative technologies to the importance of effective stakeholder engagement and financing opportunities. The result-oriented discussions during the Conference provide a comprehensive overview of the complexities and opportunities inherent in our journey towards a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

In particular, I wish to highlight the significance of the sessions organised by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This marks a historic moment in the conference’s history, as we have had the privilege of benefiting from IRENA’s expertise and insights for the first time.

Undoubtedly, the effects and consequences of climate change extend well beyond borders. We all have to live by them. As such, the key to addressing this common challenge that has such far reaching consequences for our generation, and generations to come, is cooperation and collaboration.

In fact, the joint statement signed by the MED9 countries, on 18 May 2023, in Valletta, is an important step towards this direction for our region. It confirms our joint commitment to ensure continuous effort to improve energy security and energy affordability and to accelerate the transmission towards renewable energy.

In this regard, I welcome the inclusion of the important MED9 session in this Conference. The session’s deliverables underscore the need for continued cooperation and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, in order to realise a sustainable and greener energy future for the MED9 countries. By leveraging the resources and expertise available through IRENA and its Member states, the energy transition in the Mediterranean region can be accelerated, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and resilient energy landscape.

Throughout this Conference, you have been asked to delve into the importance of clear policy messages in advancing the energy transition in MED9 countries, including the acceleration of energy interconnections, mobilisation of investments in offshore renewable energy projects and prioritisation of renewable energy solutions. I believe IRENA, as a leading institution in the field of renewable energy, has a unique, pivotal role to play in assisting MED9 countries to develop and implement the outlined strategy. Leveraging the expertise and resources of Member states, particularly Egypt and the UAE, will be crucial in ensuring the success of these initiatives.

The answers and insights gathered are very promising. They include strategies for attracting investments in offshore renewable energy projects, along with the demonstration of long-term value scenarios and asset transformation. The session has also provided clarity on both the policy measures and incentives required to prioritise investments in renewable energy, aligned with the EU’s very ambitious hydrogen plan, as well as on how to effectively unlock financing opportunities for the energy transition.

As we move forward from this conference, let us carry with us the spirit of collaboration and innovation that guided its proceedings. The knowledge shared, the connections forged, and the ideas generated here, can serve as the building blocks for our collective efforts in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Together, also ahead of COP28, we can accelerate the transition to a sustainable and resilient energy future, not only for our countries but for our shared regions and beyond.

In closing, I wish to once again congratulate the organisers and each and every one contributed to the organisation of the 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency. The conference has exemplified the power of working together in advancing our shared goals in sustainable energy planning and communication. It is through such partnerships that we can leverage our collective expertise, drive innovation and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable energy future.