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20-10-2023 14:00

Address by the Minister of Education, Sport and Youth, Dr Athena Michaelidou, at the Press Conference for the “Weeks of the German Language 2023”

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to today’s press conference, organized by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, in collaboration with the Embassies of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Goethe Institute of Cyprus, on the occasion of the “Weeks of the German Language 2023”.

Herzlich Willkommen zur heutigen Pressekonferenz für die Wochen der deutschen Sprache!

The Weeks of the German Language aim to bring audiences closer to the German language and the culture of the German-speaking countries, as well as to highlight the benefits of multilingualism and intercultural dialogue. In the context of this annual festival, organised by the Embassies of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Goethe Institute Cyprus in October and November, a series of activities and events related to the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries are carried out like movie screenings, lectures, poetry, concerts, and culinary events.

This year, the Weeks of the German Language will begin on the 1st of November 2023 and conclude on the 16th of November 2023. On the 3rd of November, our Ministry in collaboration with the First Technical School of Nicosia is organizing an event during which students will prepare breakfast recipes inspired by the cuisine of the German-speaking countries.

The Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth supports the “Weeks of the German Language”, as multilingualism constitutes a basic pillar of our educational policy. Aligned with EU priorities, we promote language competences, which are at the heart of building the European Education Area. These competences are indispensable for mobility, cooperation and mutual understanding across borders.

Multilingualism provides plentiful advantages:

  • for individuals, learning languages creates personal and professional opportunities;
  • for society, it fosters cultural awareness, mutual understanding and social cohesion;
  • for companies, workers with language and intercultural competences are a vital resource, helping businesses to succeed and grow in global markets.

Learning German in particular can provide our young generation with many benefits, opening doors to endless possibilities. Most importantly, it improves study and employment prospects.

German is one of the ten most spoken languages in the world and the most spoken native language within the European Union. It has been influential in the fields of philosophy, science, and technology. It is the second most commonly used scientific language and among the most widely used languages on websites.

German is also the gateway to world-class higher education. Learning German provides access to the linguistic and cultural diversity of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland as well as other German-speaking countries.

Acknowledging the importance of the German language, the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth has initiated a pilot program aimed at introducing German language education in public secondary schools. Starting from the current school year, this initiative is being implemented in selected schools. The program’s implementation focuses on first-grade students of the Gymnasium and the Lyceum, with classes scheduled conveniently right after regular morning sessions.

Under the guidance of the Goethe Institute, which I would like to recognize for their contributions, participating students will have the unique opportunity to acquire a high level of proficiency in the German language. Furthermore, the Goethe Institute will play an active role in training teachers in effective teaching methodologies and providing certification of students’ German language proficiency levels.

This initiative aims to broaden the horizons of Cyprus’s youth by offering them a strong foundation in the German language and fostering cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. Our intention is to expand this pilot program to schools in other regions, contingent upon an evaluation of its effectiveness.

In conclusion, I would like to assure you that, the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, is committed to enhancing language education and expanding educational horizons for our students.

German is one of the major languages of the world. We, therefore, support the “Weeks of the German Language” by promoting the German language in our schools and further strengthening our bilateral relations with German-speaking countries, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

I would like to thank you all for your presence here today and wish every success in the upcoming events that will take place during the “Weeks of the German Language 2023”.