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28-10-2023 19:17

Statements of the President of the Republic

The President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, attended on Saturday morning the doxology held at the Apostolos Varnavas Cathedral for the anniversary of the 28th of October. He then received the greeting of the student parade, in front of the building of the Embassy of Greece.

In his statements after the parade, the President of the Republic, inter alia, said:

“Today we honour the 28th of October, 1940, we honour the struggle of Hellenism against nazism, against fascism. A struggle that was crucial to the end of World War II, to confront nazism, fascism and for the prevalence of freedom and democracy in Europe. A struggle whose principles and values are the basis of our struggle today for the liberation of our homeland, the reunification of our country.

I am glad that the Secretary-General of the United Nations, after our own persistent efforts, has decided to go ahead with the appointment of a specific personality to explore the prospects of resuming the negotiations. I expect that soon the decision of the Secretary General of the United Nations will be made public and that this effort will begin. An effort which, on our part, I can clearly state, it has as a sole objective the resumption of the negotiations from where they were interrupted in the summer of 2017 – with the sole aim to solve the Cyprus problem on the basis of the agreed framework, on the basis of the principles and values of the European Union, the principles and values that led to the struggle of the Greeks back in 1940.

Apart from this, there is a difficult situation in our region, there is a war. The Republic of Cyprus, considering the fact that it is the member state of the European Union in proximity to the region, it is the state that maintains excellent relations with all the neighbouring states, that makes every effort within our capabilities – I do not want to exaggerate – an effort that I am glad is being recognised at the european and international level, particularly in the direction of the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

I had the opportunity to specifically present our proposal at the European Council last Thursday, a proposal which - I can reveal to you today – I also discussed last Saturday when I was in Egypt with the President of Egypt, Mr Sisi, and afterwards, when I went to Israel, with the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr Netanyahu. A proposal for which we have started to work towards its implementation. Unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid should be ensured. Our effort will continue. I also had a telephone conversation with the President of Egypt from Brussels. Tomorrow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will fly to Jordan for this issue as well, and I hope that this effort will be realised very soon.

Beyond this, I want to condemn any action aimed at the death of members of the civilian population. There is absolutely no excuse. Just as there is absolutely no justification for terrorism, wherever it comes from. And we, as the state of the region who is also member of the European Union, with excellent relations with everyone - within the framework of our abilities and always in consultation with our partners, strong partners, who recognise the role of the Republic of Cyprus – we will do everything possible so that there is unhindered humanitarian aid, to do what is necessary in case there is a need to evacuate populations from the area.

The plan of the Republic has already been implemented, but even more, because only this will end the crisis.

Developments in the Middle East demonstrate that there are no frozen crises, that the beginning of the political process will lead to the resolution of the Palestinian issue”.

Asked whether the EU will provide assistance, the President of the Republic said: "Yesterday, you heard the French President, there were comments from other European leaders as well after the briefing I gave to the European Council, to implement this specific proposal and now we are working on its details. Both the Commission and the Council are informed, and our goal is precisely the realisation of this effort, starting from Cyprus, the closest point of the European Union to the region, so as to ensure this uninterrupted provision of humanitarian aid".

In reply to another question, the President of the Republic clarified: "We are not talking about troops, we are talking about humanitarian aid that will arrive in Cyprus and from Cyprus we will ensure that it goes to Gaza. Whatever troops are in Cyprus now, they came in the last few days, they are here in case there is a need to evacuate populations from the area, and in particular, diplomatic personnel from a number of diplomatic missions".

Asked to comment on a question in relation to the UN resolution where the Republic of Cyprus abstained, President Christodoulides inter alia, said that it is better before any announcements are made – which is the absolute right of any party, of any citizen to judge us every day – to request additional information.

“The majority of the member states of the European Union, 15 in number, took this position because it was not possible for the 27 of us to have a common position”, the President said.
