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31-10-2023 15:39

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the ceremony for receiving the credentials of the new Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Mr Basheer Zoubi

Your Excellency,

It is with great pleasure that I receive today the Letters of Credence appointing you as the next Ambassador of His Majesty King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Cyprus. I wish to assure you that my Government and I personally will support you wholeheartedly in the performance of your high duties.

The brotherly bonds of friendship between Cyprus and Jordan are deeply rooted in our rich and long history, and have expanded to unprecedented levels in the past ten years. My recent visit to Jordan last August was indeed a significant step towards further strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation between Cyprus and Jordan.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah II and the friendly people of Jordan for the valuable assistance provided by the Royal Jordanian Air Force during the firefighting efforts in Cyprus, only a few days after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between our countries on firefighting cooperation. I would also like to assure you that due attention is given to our mutual goal of establishing a regional firefighting station in Cyprus. I am well aware that know both countries are working towards its realisation the soonest.

Furthermore, I avail myself of this opportunity to express my appreciation for the personal efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for their vital contribution and essential efforts towards promoting stability in the wider region. The recommitment to a viable two-state solution, in line with the parameters reflected in relevant UNSC Resolutions is the only viable solution to the problem. It is abundantly clear that we have no other option but to create the conditions for the resumption of a meaningful peace process. I wish to also underscore that Cyprus fully acknowledges Jordan’s national security concerns which under no circumstance should be underestimated.

Your Excellency,

The Republic of Cyprus deeply appreciates Jordan’s support towards our efforts to reach a viable and comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus problem, to end the illegal Turkish military occupation and to reunite the island and its people. The status quo is not a viable option, neither for Cyprus and all Cypriots, nor for any actor with an interest in the security and stability in our region. The recent assault against UNFICYP personnel in the area of Pyla, in the buffer zone, following attempts by the Turkish side to create new faits accomplis prove that the continuation of the status quo is certainly not static either.

On my part, there is a sense of urgency because I am very well aware what is at stake for Cyprus if a path for reunification is not established. The moments we are all living in are indeed historic, regionally and internationally. In this context and having in mind that a solution to the Cyprus problem is vitally important not only for Cyprus and all Cypriots but for all actors with major interests for a secure and stable Eastern Mediterranean, I reiterate my commitment to a solution on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as prescribed in the relevant UNSC Resolutions.


In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request that you convey to His Majesty King Abdullah II and to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as well as to the friendly people of Jordan, our warmest greetings and a message of sincere friendship and solidarity.

I conclude by extending my heartfelt wishes and by assuring you once more of the support by my Government and me personally to your valuable mission, so that your tenure will be highly constructive and fruitful, and carried out in such a way that the solid and genuine relationship that Cyprus enjoys with Jordan will further flourish. 

Ambassador, Basheer Zoubi, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus.


For the address of the Ambassador, press here.