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31-10-2023 15:58

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the ceremony for receiving the credentials of the new Ambassador of Hungary, Dr Krisztina Lakos


Today is my pleasure to receive your Letters of Credence, appointing you as the new Ambassador of Hungary to Cyprus. Allow me to offer my sincere congratulations for your appointment and heartfelt wishes for success in your new duties. I wish to assure you that my Government will provide any assistance necessary to you for performing your important work.


Cyprus and Hungary enjoy longstanding relations both at bilateral and multilateral levels, as well as within the framework of the European Union and various international fora. I wish to stress that we highly value this mutual beneficial partnership deriving from our membership to our common European family whose ideals and values are of great importance. It is my firm belief that we can move forward and pave the way for an even greater mutually beneficial cooperation. It is my commitment and that of my Government to expand our bilateral ties at all levels and on a range of significant fields of common interest, such as education, tourism, trade and investment, innovation and technology, energy, and agriculture.

In these rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, we are called to face a significant number of challenges. What is critically important is to address all threats and challenges reaching Europe’s door in unity and collectively. It is widely acknowledged that the number of issues we are calling upon to resolve seems unending, from environmental and ecological damage to migration, conflicts and wars. Also, In the face of authoritarianism and barbaric terrorism we are obliged to promote our common example of peaceful co-existence, the paradigm of the European Union. The EU must always be at the forefront of upholding international law and the UN Charter. This is an inherent part off its foundation and the EU Treaties.


Cyprus is suffering for almost half a century from the consequences of Turkey’s illegal invasion, military occupation and the continued illegal demographic changes. Both myself and the people of Cyprus acknowledge that the status quo is certainly not static, as recent provocative assaults against UNFICYP personnel in Pyla showcased. It is neither sustainable nor viable not only for the Cypriot people but also for the EU and the region. I am convinced that this cannot be the future of Cyprus and surely it cannot be the inheritance of the generations to come.

Having said this, I convey my appreciation for Hungary’s support for reaching a just, lasting and functional solution based on the relevant UNSC Resolutions. I wish also to stress the imperative need of protecting and ensuring the norms stemmed from the rule of law and the respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity in the case of relevant discussions within international fora.

Therefore, I wish to reiterate once again my commitment to a solution on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as prescribed in the relevant UNSC Resolutions. A solution of the above basis is vitally important for Cyprus and all Cypriots as well as for all actors with vital interests for the security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, including the EU.


Allow me to offer you my reassurance once again that my Government will stand by your side, supporting you in executing your high duties. I would also kindly ask that you convey to President Novak, Prime Minister Orban, and the Hungarian people my most heartfelt greetings and a sincere wish for friendship and solidarity.

Ambassador, Krisztina Lakos, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus.


For the address of the Ambassador, press here.